ESSE Conference

ESSE 2014

The European Society for the Study of English is a European federation of national higher educational associations for the study of English. The Society endeavours to reflect the cultural and geographical diversity of Europe in its institutions.
The aim of the Society is to advance the education of the public by promoting the European study and understanding of English languages, literatures in English and cultures of English-speaking peoples. At the moment ESSE includes 33 member associations. The Department of British and American Studies had a great opportunity to welcome more than 650 participants of the ESSE conference at our university venue. Read more about about the conference and the reflections of some of the participants.

Read an interesting article about the conference

Článok o ESSE konferencii

Reflections from our conference participants:

Thank you once more for all you gave us so generously.
This was a remarkable and unforgettable event as I said during the
opening ceremeny but little did I know then to what extent this would
come true; And Thank you all for your cooperation, your work and the attention you paid to all our meetings . It is very nice indeed to be able to rely on such professionals and great friends at that.
With warm thanks
L.L (France)

I am writing to thank you all for inviting me to the ESSE conference. I had the most fantastic week, and thoroughly enjoyed my time in Kosice and further afield in the Tatras and at the Tokay cellars. Your organisation and attention to detail were amazing, but what I will remember even more is the kindness, warmth and friendly welcome you extended to me and all the other delegates. You must know what a huge success the conference has been, and how richly you deserve all the plaudits that have come your way. What more can I say except to thank you again for everything.
J.R (Scotland)

I am writing to you to thank you for a wonderful ESSE conference, extremely well organized, with each and every detail carefully planned to make us enjoy our time in Košice. For me, it was an opportunity to meet interesting researchers, to widen my horizons and to get acquainted with the Slovakian customs and traditions. Thank you again for everything. Your energy and enthusiasm made us feel welcomed. I would like to assure you that if you have any other future projects or conferences on your agenda, you can always count on me. I wish you a new university year full of accomplishments and success.
All the best,
CH.CH (Romania)

I'd like to thank you again, most warmly, for inviting me to Kosice and for all your kindness and thoughtfulness during my visit. It was a wonderful conference, intellectually and socially, and I am very glad to have become involved in ESSE now and for the future. Everyone commented on how brilliantly the conference had been organised and how smoothly it ran. Given its size and complexity, this was very difficult indeed to achieve, and we all owe huge thanks to you and to your organising team (F.R England)

Reflections from our lovely students

Konferencia mi priniesla pocit akejsi aktívnej spolupatričnosti. Mám teraz pocit, že je to naozaj ‚moja univerzita‘. Azda ide o organizačnú maličkosť, ale dostalo ma ešte, že zvyšné jedlo sa odviezlo do krízového centra. Univerzita toto leto stúpla v mojich očiach

Vítanie hostí bolo skvelou skúsenosťou. Mnohí boli dokonca i prekvapení, že ich tam niekto čaká, veľmi to ocenili. Celé to bolo o takých malých a milých ľudských stretnutiach. Zaujímavé tiež pre mňa bolo, že sme spolupracovali s našimi doktorandmi a vyučujúcimi, že nám dôverovali, lepšie sme sa spoznali(M. Jesenská, 2AjMm1)

Mala som možnosť podieľať sa na organizácii významnej medzinárodnej lingvistickej udalosti, ako aj príležitosti stretnúť popredné osobnosti pôsobiace v oblasti, ktorej je zasvätená podstatná časť môjho štúdia. Spokojnosť a pozitívne ohlasy účastníkov konferencie boli pre nás navyše krásnym zadosťučinením(L. Gibová, 2AJEIEm)

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