Postmillennial Sensibility II

Medzinárodná konferencia na KAA FF UPJŠ

V dňoch 27.-29.6.2019 sa v budove Platón uskutočnila medzinárodná konferencia venujúca sa Postmileniárnej sensibilite v anglofónnych literatúrach, kultúrach a médiách, ktorú zorganizovala Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky FF UPJŠ. Vďaka pokračujúcej spolupráci s anglistickými pracoviskami v Európe a vo svete vo vedeckej aj pedagogickej oblasti, katedra privítala už druhú edíciu tohto medzinárodného podujatia so zastúpením takmer 50 pozvaných a prihlásených expertov z USA, Španielska, Ruska, Turecka, Albánska, Bieloruska, Lotyšska, Ukrajiny, Maďarska, Poľska, ČR a Slovenska. Konferencia okrem plenárnych prednášok a prihlásených príspevkov zahŕňala aj prezentácie doktorandov.
Okrem akademického programu katedra pre hostí – účastníkov konferencie a ich sprevádzajúce osoby pripravila bohatý spoločenský program, prechádzky historickým centrom Košíc s profesionálnym sprievodcom, spoločenský večer, návštevu koncertu Košickej štátnej filharmónie a výlety do širšieho okolia na pamiatky UNESCO.
Nahrávky plenárnych prednášok sú zverejnené na YouTube:…I1Twll-MVm2g

International Conference at BAS Department FF UPJŠ

On 27–29 June 2019 the Department of British and American Studies FF UPJŠ organised an international conference Postmillennial Sensibility in Anglophone Literatures, Cultures and Media 2 in the Platon building. Thanks to intensive cooperation of the BAS Department in teaching and research with English studies departments in Europe and world the second edition of the conference was attended by almost 50 presenting experts – plenary speakers, participants and PhD students from the USA, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Albania, Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Together with academic content the organisers prepared for the conference participants and their accompanying persons – all guests of the BAS Department rich social programme – sightseeing tour of Košice historic centre with a professional guide, conference dinner, concert of the Košice State Philharmonic Orchestra, and trips to UNESCO sights near Košice.
Recordings of conference plenary lectures are published on YouTube:…I1Twll-MVm2g

Feedback from conference participants

I think each visit in Kosice is even better that the previous one. Looking forward to the next visit (PM).

It was wonderful to see friends. We had a great time. All that superb plans and the time together with old friends and meeting new friends, it was a great company. Very good conference, wonderful places and meals and drinks, the great conference party and everything were splendid. Thank you very much for such a wonderful and the unforgettable time. I will always remember those happy moments. I am very happy that the conference went very well. I think everybody was very pleased (HU).

Once again, thank you very much for your hospitality and all the rest (BT).

Thank you so much for making our visit to Kosice happen! It was a great honour and a truly amazing, wonderful, unforgettable experience! I was enjoying every moment of our stay in the beautiful friendly Kosice and the lovely hospitable Slovakia. Thank you so much for taking care of us, of our every need, for pampering us. Everything was so thoughtful and warm. The conference was such an inspiration for research, exploration and sharing ideas. It was so perfectly organised it is hard to imagine how much work had been done behind the scenes for everything to be so magnificent. Hats off to everyone in the team (if I may say so) and my warm regards! Thank you for your kindness, warmth, support and care (NA).

I loved sharing these wonderful days with you in Kosice. Thank you for making it happen (MC).

Thank you once again for organizing such a fantastic conference: I heard lots of interesting talks, met great colleagues and enjoyed the friendly atmosphere you created. Congratulations! (MP)

Please allow me to congratulate you both on the clockwork efficiency and warm hospitality with which you made the conference an unforgettable experience. The high scholarly standard of the contributions in itself would have been less than enough to make the event Postmillennial Sensibility 2 such a resounding success as it was without the tireless work, unflagging attention and friendly attitude with which you and your excellent helpers created an atmosphere conducive to efficient work and relaxing conviviality. Thank you for your dedication to a cause worthy of our best joint efforts (AF).

Thank you very much for everything you've done to make our visit to Kosice fantastic and unforgettable. It was great to meet so many nice people, make new relations and share ideas. The atmosphere at the conference was very warm and stimulating. (TP)

I am happy to be a frequent visitor to UPJS & Kosice. I think the events guarantee good academic standards and splendid atmosphere. One must add the nice people, the beauty of places and the total effect is just fantastic. (PM)