Workshops & lectures

Pozvánka na prednášku „The Anatomy of an Election Campaign“

Students are invited to the talk of Mr. Rajmund Kiss, Head of the Center for Diplomatic Studies and a lecturer at Matthias Corvinus Collegium (College of International Relations), on Wednesday March 19 in AP1P2.

Pozvánka na webinár „KARIÉRA V INŠTITÚCIÁCH EÚ“

Pozývame vás na webinár dňa 14. novembra 2024 v čase od 9:30 do 11:30.

Viac informácií, program webináru a link na pripojenie nájdete tu.

Lecture „From Betty Friedan through Men’s Liberation and onto Men’s Rights: The surprising history of contemporary anti-feminist discourse“

Students are invited to a lecture on May 6, 2024 at 9:00 in room AP1P1. Sid Campé earned a double BA from the University of Northern Colorado in American History and French Language and Culture, then completed an MA in English Research at the Université de Haute-Alsace. He is currently pursuing a cotutelle between Masaryk University and Université de Haute-Alsace, under the supervision of prof. Mgr. Jan Chovanec (MU) and Prof. Samuel Ludwig (UHA). His PhD research focuses on the cultural transfer of hate speech from a joint sociolinguistics/cultural studies perspective, with a focus on social media, computer-mediated discourse, and cultural transfer. Other adjacent research interests include digital folklore, memetics, and forum communities.

Lecture outline:

Looksmaxxing. Sigma Male. SMV. The “Red Pill”. What is the connection between these contemporary internet terms and second-wave feminist icon Betty Friedan? They share an intellectual link that can be traced to Men’s Liberation Front, the name given to a short-lived period of masculine consciousness-raising in American universities after the publication of The Feminist Mystique.
The MLF split into two branches, pro- and anti-feminist due to disagreement on the nature of female oppression in American society; the antifeminist branch would become a vocal presence in American virtual culture, with many of its publications drawn upon by individuals operating in the “manosphere” to construct their discourse.
A loose aggregate of discourse communities characterized by their aggressive and hostile stance towards women, the manosphere draws in young men through influencers such as Andrew Tate, or impacts the real world through events such as #GamerGate of 2014 – 2015 and the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial in 2021 – all symptoms of the continuing pervasiveness of virtual misogyny.

Prednáška „Hovoriť znamená konať“

Na pôdu Katedry anglistiky a amerikanistiky zavítala 14. novembra 2023 frankofónna návšteva z Maďarska. Pani Éva Kováts je dlhoročnou vyučujúcou francúzštiny a organizátorkou frankofónneho spoločenského života v meste Miškovec.
Prednášajúca si vzala na mušku jazyk ako systém – vo francúzštine vysvetľovala všeobecné základy jazykovedy a spomenula najznámejších protagonistov teórie jazyka. Najzaujímavejšou časťou prednášky boli poznatky o jazykoch sveta – ich počte, skupinách a neznámych väzbách medzi nimi. Prekvapenie spôsobil poznatok, že vo svete úplne zanikne jeden jazyk každé dva týždne.
Nefrankofónnej časti publika sprostredkovali prednášané poznatky študentky francúzskeho modulu programu Anglický jazyk pre európske inštitúcie a ekonomiku. Prvýkrát mali príležitosť mimo tlmočníckeho laboratória zúročiť poznatky, ktoré nadobudli na hodinách simultánneho tlmočenia.

Mgr. Roman Gajdoš
Lektor KAaA

Lecture „To speak is to act“

On November 14, 2023, we hosted another French-speaking visitor from Hungary at the Department of British and American Studies. Ms. Éva Kováts is a French teacher and an organizer of French-based cultural events in the city of Miskolc.
In her talk, the speaker tackled language as a system – she explained the general basics of linguistics in French and also mentioned some of the most famous names in the theory of language. The most interesting part of the talk was the information about the languages of the world – their number, their groups, and the unknown connections among them. Students were surprised by the fact that a language disappears from the world every two weeks.
Our students of the French module of the English for European Institutions and Economics program provided interpreting for the non-French-speaking part of the audience. It was a first-time opportunity for our students to use the skills they have acquired in their simultaneous interpreting classes.

Mgr. Roman Gajdoš
Lecturer at BAS

Coffee with Mgr. Petra Filipová, PhD. and doc. Mgr. Adriana Jesenková, PhD.

On March 9, 2023 our students had the opportunity to attend an event connected to the International Women's Day and discuss questions related to gender equality and gender policies in academia with doc. Mgr. Adriana Jesenková, PhD., the Department of Philosophy, and Mgr. Petra Filipová, PhD., the Department of British American Studies FF UPJŠ. The number of students who attended the event in the Minerva cafeteria, the duration of the discussion for an hour and a half, as well as students' observant and inspiring questions prove that gender equality is a topic of much interest and we would be happy to participate in another similar event to expand the dialogue.

Dr. Petra Filipová
Assistant Lecturer, BAS FF UPJŠ

Coffee with – Mgr. Petra Filipová, PhD. a doc. Mgr. Adriana Jesenková, PhD.

9. marca 2023 sa v rámci aktivít spojených s Medzinárodným dňom žien uskutočnila diskusia, v ktorej sa študenti a študentky mohli zapojiť do debaty o rodovej rovnosti a rodových politikách na univerzite s docentkou Adrianou Jesenkovou z Katedry filozofie a dr. Petrou Filipovou z Katedry anglistiky a amerikanistiky FF UPJŠ. Počet študentov a študentiek na podujatí v Minerve, dĺžka diskusie, ktorá presiahla hodinu a pol, ako aj mnohé uvedomelé a inšpirujúce otázky od študentov a študentiek dokazujú, že téma rodovej rovnosti je stále aktuálna. Radi sa podobného podujatia zúčastníme opäť, aby sme v tomto rozhovore mohli pokračovať.

Mgr. Petra Filipová, PhD.
odborná asistentka KAaA FF UPJŠ

Virtual visit to the Directorate-General for Translation, 21 October 2022

Students and translators from universities across Europe have the opportunity to attend a virtual visit to the Directorate-General for Translation on October 21.

Full programme available here

EU Hodinka – On the Future of Europe

Everybody is kindly invited to a talk by Stephen Clark, Director for the European Parliament Liaison Offices, and Zuzana Hozlarova, Delegate for Slovakia at the Conference on the Future of Europe, on May 5, 2022, at 17:00 in the Martinus bookstore in OD Urban, Kosice.

Food and Culture: An American Journey

All students are kindly invited to a presentation by Tamara Sternberg-Greller, Public Affairs Officer at US Embassy Bratislava, on April 27, 2022 at 11AM in room AP1S9.

English poster
Slovenský plagát

Multiculturalism in Austrian Bukovina

Every student is kindly invited to a hybrid presentation by Assoc. Professor Sergei Nezhurbida on April 25, 2022 at 8:55AM.

Compulsory attendance IN PERSON for all students of the class „Semiotics of Media Texts“.

Compulsory attendance VIA ZOOM (or in person) for all other students of BASm. All other students are cordially welcome to attend via Zoom.

Poster with a link to the ZOOM meeting in English
Plagát s odkazom na ZOOM meeting v slovenčine

Creation of Audiovisual Translation in Practice

Everyone is cordially invited to a hybrid presentation by PhDr. Marianna Kurejova on April 25, 2022 at 1PM.

Compulsory attendance IN PERSON for 2nd year AJEIEb and 1st year AJEIEm students (both modules).

Compulsory attendance VIA ZOOM for all other students of translation and interpreting. All other BAS students are cordially welcome to attend via Zoom.

More info on Notice Board.

Poster in English
Poster in Slovak

Hebrew (Re)Translations of the Bible

Everyone is cordially invited to a presentation by Dr. Hilla Karas on April 21, 2022 at 4PM.

Link to the meeting here.

Plagat anglicky
Plagat slovensky

Performance & Wellness: Strengthening the Graduate Writer

Everyone is cordially invited to a presentation by Prof. Susan Barone, PhD. and Prof. Lisa Russell-Pinson, PhD. on April 11, 2022 at 3PM.

Women on US Supreme Court

BAS FF UPJS and American Spaces kindly invite you to the hybrid seminar presented by Ellie James, on April 6, 2022, at 10AM.

The seminar is compulsory for students of „Semiotics of Media Texts“ and „US Institutions“. Everyone else is welcome!

Séria workshopov k písaniu záverečných prác

Štátna vedecká knižnica v Košiciach organizuje pilotný kurz zameraný na písanie záverečných prác. Prihláste sa a zistite, ako si vybrať správnu tému, ako lepšie hľadať odborné zdroje, alebo ako ich citovať.

Webinar “Voodoo and Hoodoo, A Magic and Religion among African Americans”

Fulbright Slovakia invites you to a webinar, “Voodoo and Hoodoo, A Magic and Religion among African Americans”. Join us in a late celebration of February as Black History Month to honor the contributions and legacy of African Americans across U.S. history and society.

Guest speaker: Jeffrey ANDERSON – the U.S. Fulbright Scholar in Slovakia, who specializes in the history of the American South, African American history, and the Atlantic World. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Florida and now serves as a full professor and associate director of the School of Humanities at the University of Louisiana Monroe. Currently, he is affiliated with the departments of British and American Studies and of History of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

Jeffrey will provide a brief overview of African American history and will talk about Voodoo and Hoodoo. As he says: “Voodoo is a word that many people in America and around the world have heard, but few understand what it means. Though the average person associates it with magic and evil deeds, such was not necessarily the case. While magic, called Hoodoo, was indeed a part of Voodoo, the latter was a full-fledged religion, complete with its own pantheon of deities, communal ceremonies, and clergy, that once existed in the Mississippi River Valley.” Jeffrey will happily answer all questions after his presentation.

Webinar will be held on March 17, 2022 at 6pm (18:00 CET) and the attendance is free.

You have to register in advance and we will share a link for the zoom meeting before the event…jdQJyWXDBGK6. Deadline for the registration is March 17 at 2pm (14:00 CET)

Event on Facebook

Pozvaná prednáška Doc. Dr. Michaely Weiss na KAA FF UPJŠ

Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky FF UPJŠ v Košiciach vás dňa 6.12.2021 o 9:00 pozýva na online prednášku docentky Michaely Weiss, PhD., zo Sliezskej university v Opave na tému

Nech je to nové, nech je to britské! : Pound a Eliot ako zakladatelia modernej poézie.

Prednáška sa zameriava na hlavnú úlohu básnikov Ezra Pounda a T.S. Eliota v procese formovania moderných a modernistických umeleckých výrazov. Okrem formálneho a tematického záujmu oboch autorov sa prednáška sústredí na ich nesmierny vplyv na témy a umeleckú misiu v poézii britskej a americkej literatúry a kultúry.

Michaela Weiss je docentkou na Katedre anglistiky a amerikanistiky na Sliezskej univerzite v Opave. Vyučuje kurzy anglickej a americkej literatúry, literárnej teórie a kritiky a kreatívneho čítania a písania. Jej oblasť výskumu sa sústreďuje na americkú židovskú literatúru, grafický román a ženské štúdiá.

Mgr. Zuzana Buráková, PhD.

zástupkyňa vedúcej KAA FF UPJŠ


Invited lecture by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michaela Weiss at the BAS FF UPJŠ

The Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, invites you on December 6, 2021 at 9:00 to an online lecture (via MS Teams) by Associate Professor Dr. Michaela Weiss from Silesian University in Opava, entitled

Make it British, Make it New!: Pound and Eliot as the Fathers of Modern(ist) Poetry.

The lecture discusses the leading roles of Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot in the process of formation and expression of modernist artistic sensibilities. Following the formal and thematic concerns of both poet, it further comments on the immense influence as well as topicality of their poetic missions within the context of British and American literature and culture.

Michaela Weiss is an Associate Professor at the Department of English and American Studies at the Institute of Foreign Languages at the Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic. She teaches courses on English and American literature, Literary Theory and Criticism, and Creative Reading and Writing. Her main areas of interest include American Jewish literature, graphic novels, and women’s studies.

Dr. Zuzana Buráková

Deputy-Head of the BAS FF UPJŠ

Pozvánka na diseminačný a popularizačný seminár – VVGS projekt vvgs-2020–1637

Udržateľná inštitucionálna zmena prostredníctvom plánov rodovej rovnosti na malých a stredných univerzitách

Pozývame Vás na diseminačný a popularizačný seminár ku výstupom projektu VVGS-2020–1637, ktorý sa uskutoční v stredu 27.10.2021 o 16.00 v prostredí MS TEAMS.


  1. Výsledky dotazníkového prieskumu mapujúceho stimuly a stratégie pre rodovú rovnosť v obsahu výskumu na UPJŠ v Košiciach v porovnaní so stavom na partnerských univerzitách v strednej, východnej a južnej Európe
  2. Diskusia o propagácii vedy, jej kvality a spoločenského významu získaných vedomostí, technológií a inovácií bez androcentrickej zaujatosti.

Tešíme sa na Vašu účasť.

Dr. h. c. doc. Mgr. Slávka Tomaščíková, PhD. a riešiteľský kolektív

MS TEAMS kód: brt95hw

link do Teams tu


Invitation to the dissemination and popularisation seminar – project VVGS vvgs-2020–1637

Sustainable institutional change through gender equality plans in small and mid-sized universities

The researchers of the VVGS-2020–1637 project invite you to join the dissemination and popularisation seminar to discuss the outcomes of the project on Wednesday 27 October 2021 at 4pm via MS TEAMS.


  1. Results of the survey mapping the stimuli and strategies for gender equality in the research at the UPJŠ in Košice and other partner universities in central, eastern and southern Europe.
  2. Discussion about the promo of research, its quality, social meaning of acquired knowledge, technologies, innovations without androcentric bias.

Looking forward to your participation.

Dr. h. c. doc. Mgr. Slávka Tomaščíková, PhD. and the research team

MS TEAMS access code: brt95hw

link to the Team here

“Changing Mindsets, New Opportunities & New Partnerships through the ETA Program” – invitation to a panel

The Fulbright Commissions from the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and the Slovak Republic kindly invite you to a panel which will present the achievements of Fulbright English Teaching Assistants from four European countries and the long-term impacts that their Fulbright grants have had on themselves and their host communities.

Alumni of Fulbright Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, and Slovak Republic will discuss: (1) changing perspectives through art, (2) supporting and promoting diversity, (3) expanding worldviews and future study and career opportunities and (4) the power of international exchange for educators.

The panel will be held via the Zoom platform on Monday, October 25, from 6 to 7:30 pm CEST. You can register until October 21, here

For further information see the full invitation here.

Sharing our knowledge with the public

On July 1, 2021, Zuzana Buráková, PhD., and Martina Martausová, PhD., concluded a series of lectures that contributed to** the USA Season program** hosted by the NERV platform in Humenné. The lecturers talked about Jewish identity in American literature, the Black Lives Matter movement, and American Art. The USA Season was an exciting experience with an interesting line-up of accompanying events. Thank you, NERV platform (Jana Bercelová), and we are already looking forward to the next volume!

Ďalšie popularizačné prednášky pre verejnosť z dielne KAA

Pred letnými prázdninami sme sa o svoje vedecké poznatky podelili aj s účastníkmi podujatia American Season, organizovaného platformou NERV v Humennom. Zuzana Buráková, PhD., a Martina Martausová, PhD. boli pozvanými prednášajúcimi na témy z oblasti amerických štúdií, napr. o židovskej identite v americkej literatúre, o hnutí Black Lives Matter a o americkom umení. USA Season bol veľmi zaujímavý zážitok s výborným programom a sprievodnými akciami. Ďakujeme NERV platforme za pozvanie a už teraz sa tešíme na ďalšiu spoluprácu.

Critical Thinking for Educated Mind – séria prednášok

Štátna vedecká knižnica a Americké centrum v Košiciach si pre vás pripravili edukačný program zameraný na rozvíjanie kritického myslenia pod názvom Critical Thinking for Educated Mind.

Pozývame Vás na úvodnú sériu štyroch workshopov, na ktorých sa oboznámite so základmi analýzy akademických zdrojov, zdokonalíte si akademické prezentačné zručnosti v anglickom jazyku a naučíte sa, ako byť uvedomelým divákom alebo čitateľom.

Workshopy budú prebiehať v angličtine pod vedením vyučujúcich z Katedry anglistiky a amerikanistiky Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach. Sú určené najmä pre študentky a študentov vysokých škôl, odborných pracovníkov v akademickej či vzdelávacej oblasti, učiteľov, knihovníkov, ale aj ďalších záujemcov. Budú prebiehať vždy v stredu o 16:00 – 17:30 online cez platformu Zoom, v nasledujúcich termínoch. Účasť na workshopoch je bezplatná.

12. 5. 2021 – How to improve your academic presentation skills in speaking and writing? (Dr. Slávka Tomaščíková)

19. 5. 2021 – Critical thinking in the analysis of political campaigns (Dr. Július Rozenfeld)

26. 5. 2021 – Critical thinking in text analysis (Dr. Zuzana Buráková)

2. 6. 2021 – How to become an engaged and critical viewer? (Dr. Martina Martausová)

V prípade záujmu prosím vyplňte registračný formulár a my Vám zašleme ďalšie inštrukcie.

V prípade otázok ma prosím neváhajte kontaktovať.
Martina Jesenská
+421 918 245 864

Games in English Lessons

Dear students, we invite you to a webinar by Eva Mozešová from Oxford University Press Slovakia. The webinar will take place on 27th April 12:00–13:00 via MS Teams (see link below). During the webinar, we will talk about games and why they are a great way to attract students.


Games in English Lessons

Milí študenti, milé študentky, pozývame vás na webinár od Evy MozešovejOxford University Press Slovakia. Webinár sa uskutoční 27. apríla 12:00–13:00 cez MS Teams (pozri link nižšie). Počas webinára sa budeme rozprávať o hrách a prečo sú skvelou cestou ako vzbudiť záujem v študentoch.


Pozvaná prednáška Dr. Davida Livingstona – „Pete Seeger: Svedomie Ameriky a Ladička“ na KAA FF UPJŠ.

Dr. David Livingstone je odborným asistentom na Katedre anglistiky a amerikanistiky Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci.
Jeho interaktívna prednáška sa sústredí na legendárneho folkového speváka a spoločenského aktivistu Peta Seegera.

Mgr. Zuzana Buráková, PhD.

Odborná asistentka KAA FF UPJŠ

Invited lecture of Dr. David Livingstone – „Pete Seeger: America's Conscience and Tuning Fork“ at BAS FF UPJŠ.

Dr. David Livingstone is an assistant professor at Palacký University in Olomouc, Faculty of Arts, Department of British and American Studies.
His interactive talk will focus on the legendary American folk singer and social activist Pete Seeger.

Mgr. Zuzana Buráková, PhD.

Assistant lecturer at BAS FF UPJŠ