Unikátna prednáška v Košiciach
Študentky KAA FF UPJŠ tlmočili prezentáciu Tanmaya Bakshiho
Dňa 1.10.2019 sa v priestoroch Technickej univerzity v Košiciach pod
záštitou Americkej obchodnej komory na Slovensku uskutočnila unikátna
15-ročného programátora a speakera Tanmaya Bakshiho. Do Auly Maximy si
mladého génia z Kanady prišlo vypočuť obecenstvo všetkých vekových
kategórií a naši
študenti sa zúčastnili nielen ako diváci, ale Bc. Kristína Makóová a Bc.
Žaneta Medveďová predviedli aj svoje
tlmočnícke zručnosti. Veríme, že podobných príležitostí bude v Košiciach
pribúdať a tešíme sa na ďalšiu akciu.
Mgr. Petra Filipová, PhD.
odborná asistentka KAA FF UPJŠ
Students of BAS Department FF UPJŠ interpreted Tanmay Bakshi's presentation
On October 1st, 2019, the American Chamber of Commerce brought a unique
talk to Košice. A 15-year old speaker, author and coder Tanmay Bakshi spoke
at the Technical University, where our students participated not only as
members of the large and varied audience, but Kristína Makóová and
Žaneta Medveďová also as skilled interpreters.
We are looking forward to seeing more events like this one in Košice in
the future.
Dr. Petra Filipová
Assistant lecturer BAS FF UPJŠ
Meet Tanmay Bakshi in Kosice
Tanmay Bakshi is a 15 year-old Canadian author, AI/Machine Learning expert, TED and keynote speaker, Honorary IBM Cloud Advisor, and a media personality who has addressed over 200,000 executives, leaders, intellectuals, and developers at international conferences, universities, and multinationals worldwide. His passion to develop algorithms and to work with machine learning lead him to apply this tech mainly in the fields of education and healthcare. His goal is to help at least 100,000 aspiring coders in learning how to code and innovate through his books, workshops and seminars. Tanmay’s YouTube channel called “Tanmay Teaches” and his consistent work towards his goal for the past 8 years has earned him numerous recognitions such as Knowledge Ambassador Award, IBM Champion for Cloud, Google Developer Expert for Machine Learning, Twilio Doer award, and Global Goodwill Ambassador at LinkedIn, to name a few.
In case KAaA students wish to attend this intriguing event, they shall be excused from their classes for the duration of the talk.