Special Visits

Vzácna návšteva Jeho excelencie Nigela M. Bakera, veľvyslanca Spojeného kráľovstva na Slovensku na KAA FF UPJŠ

V pondelok 15.5.2023 poctil Katedru anglistiky a amerikanistiky FF UPJŠ svojou návštevou veľvyslanec Spojeného kráľovstva Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska na Slovensku, Jeho excelencia Nigel M. Baker. V sprievode pani Moniky Holečkovej, Senior Communication and Political Officer, strávili spoločný čas diskusiou o existujúcej spolupráci a o možnostiach jej rozšírenia s vyučujúcimi a internými doktorandmi katedry. Následne sa pán veľvyslanec stretol so študentmi a študentkami katedry, aby im predstavil svoje pôsobenie na Slovensku a odpovedal na ich otázky, ktoré sa týkali nielen diplomatických záležitostí.

Veríme, že budeme mať možnosť opäť privítať tohoto vzácneho hosťa na našej katedre a radi využijeme ďalšie príležitosti na zaujímavú diskusiu o spoločných témach.

Dr. h. c. prof. Mgr. Slávka Tomaščíková, PhD., vedúca KAA FF UPJŠ


His Excellency Nigel M. Baker, the Ambassador of the UK in Slovakia at the BAS FF UPJŠ

On Monday 15 May 2023, the BAS Department FF UPJŠ had a unique opportunity to welcome His Excellency Nigel M. Baker, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Slovakia on its premises. Accompanied by Ms Monika Holečková, Senior Communication and Political Officer, they spent valuable time with the staff members and doctoral students of the BAS Department discussing existing cooperation and the ideas for its broadening in the future. Then His Excellency presented his mission in Slovakia to the students of the BAS Department and answered questions asked not only about diplomacy.

We hope there will be more occasions to welcome this precious guest back again and to use more opportunities for discussions of common topics.

Dr. h. c. Prof. Dr. Slávka Tomaščíková, Head of BAS FF UPJŠ

Návšteva novej vedúcej Tlačového a kultúrneho oddelenia Veľvyslanectva USA na Slovensku na KAA FF UPJŠ

Dňa 25.8.2021 navštívila Katedru anglistiky a amerikanistiky FF UPJŠ pani Tamara Sternberg-Greller, nová vedúca Tlačového a kultúrneho oddelenia Veľvyslanectva USA v Bratislave, v doprovode pani Eleny Raab Bianchi, pracovníčky tohoto oddelenia. Na stretnutiach so zástupcami Amerického centra v Košiciach, pánom Jozefom Fabrícim a pani Martinou Jesenskou – absolventkou katedry, ako aj s členmi a členkami katedry, hovorili o výsledkoch doterajšej aktívnej spolupráce katedry nielen s veľvyslanectvom, ale aj s Americkým centrom v Košiciach a Americkou obchodnou komorou na Slovensku. Rozdiskutovali ďalšie plánované spoločné aktivity, ktoré budú spoluorganizované aj s Klubom učiteľov angličtiny, Klubom absolventov a Kariérnym centrom na KAA FF UPJŠ.

Dr. h. c. doc. Mgr. Slávka Tomaščíková, PhD.
vedúca KAA FF UPJŠ

Visit of a new Public Affairs Officer of the Embassy of the USA in Bratislava at the BAS FF UPJŠ

On the 25th of August 2021 the Department of British and American Studies FF UPJŠ was honoured and pleased to welcome Ms Tamara Sternberg-Greller, a new Public Affairs Officer of the Embassy of the USA in Bratislava accompanied by Ms Elena Raab Bianchi, an officer of the same department. At meetings with the representatives of the American Center in Košice, Mr Jozef Fabríci and Ms Martina Jesenská – an alumna of the BAS Department – and the staff members of the BAS Department, they evaluated the results of the long-term cooperation not only with the US Embassy in Bratislava, but also with the American Center in Košice and the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia. They discussed the plans for joined activities that will be co-organised by the Club of English Teachers, the Alumni Club and the Career Centre of the BAS FF UPJŠ.

Dr. h. c. doc. Mgr. Slávka Tomaščíková, PhD.

Vzácna návšteva novej veľvyslankyne USA na Slovensku na KAA FF UPJŠ

V pondelok 7.10.2019 poctila svojou návštevou Katedru anglistiky a amerikanistiky FF UPJŠ pani veľvyslankyňa USA na Slovensku, Jej Excelencia Bridget A. Brink, ktorú sprevádzal vedúci politickej a ekonomickej sekcie veľvyslanectva pán Ralan Hill a koordinátorka veľvyslanectva pre sociálne médiá pani Mária Chudíková. Počas svojej prvej návštevy Košíc a vôbec prvej návštevy na slovenskej univerzitnej pôde sa pani veľvyslankyňa po krátkom zoznámení s učiteľmi a doktorandmi katedry podelila so študentmi katedry o skúsenosti zo svojho pôsobenia v diplomatických službách v krátkej prednáške na tému Sloboda.

„Sloboda je základ pre demokraciu. Ak sa prestanete o ňu starať a bojovať za ňu, môžete ju stratiť“, povedala pani veľvyslankyňa Brink počas svojej prednášky. Po nesmierne zaujímavom úvode Jej Excelencia odpovedala na najrôznejšie otázky študentov a vyzvala ich na spoločnú fotografiu.

Ďakujeme za podnetnú diskusiu a už teraz sa tešíme na najbližšiu návštevu pani veľvyslankyne a ďalšie zaujímavé témy, ktoré stretnutia s ňou a je tímom na katedru prinesú.

Mgr. Zuzana Buráková, PhD.
zástupkyňa vedúcej KAA FF UPJŠ

Precious Visitor at BAS Department FF UPJŠ – New Ambassador of the USA to Slovakia

On Monday 7 October 2019, the Department of British and American Studies was honoured by the visit of the newly appointed Ambassador of the USA to Slovakia, Her Excellency Bridget A. Brink. During her first visit to Košice and her first visit to a Slovak university, she was accompanied by Mr. Ralan Hill, the Chief of Political and Economic Section and Ms Mária Chudíková, the Social Media Coordinator of the Embassy. The Ambassador met with the staff and PhD students of the Department and afterwards she presented a short lecture on the topic of Freedom.

She said: „Freedom is the basis for democracy. If you stop taking care of it and stop fighting for it, you may lose it.“ After the interesting lecture the students of the Department had a chance to ask the Ambassador Brink interesting questions and take a group photo.

We want to thank Her Excellency for the inspiring discussion and we look forward to the next visits and topics she and her team will bring to our

Dr. Zuzana Buráková
Deputy-Head of BAS FF UPJŠ

Veľvyslanec USA na Slovensku sa prišiel rozlúčiť s KAA FF UPJŠ

Jeho excelencia veľvyslanec Spojených štátov amerických na Slovensku pán Adam Sterling sa vzhľadom na blížiaci sa koniec svojho pôsobenia na poste veľvyslanca USA v SR prišiel 2.7.2019 rozlúčiť s pedagógmi a doktorandmi KAA FF UPJŠ. Spolu so svojím tímom strávil pán veľvyslanec svoj doobedňajší program diskusiou o už zrealizovaných a plánovaných aktivitách a projektoch katedry, viažucich sa na Veľvyslanectvo USA na Slovensku, Americkú obchodnú komoru na Slovensku, spoluprácu so spoločnosťami v rámci projektov Mentor Networking, Train the Trainer, Skills for Success, Pear to Pear, BAS Career Club a prednáškach amerických expertov pre študentov katedry. Obe strany zhodnotili doterajšiu dlhodobú spoluprácu KAA FF UPJŠ s Veľvyslanectvom USA na Slovensku ako veľmi aktívnu, pozitívnu a systematicky prinášajúcu nové možnosti pre realizáciu pedagogických aktivít, vedecko-výskumných podujatí a intenzívneho prepájania akadémie s praxou.

Prítomní zástupcovia KAA FF UPJŠ poďakovali pánovi veľvyslancovi za jeho osobnú podporu aktivít katedry počas jeho pôsobenia na Slovensku a popriali mu veľa zdravia, úspechov a možností profesijnej realizácie na novom pôsobisku.


US Ambassador to Slovakia visited the BAS Department FF UPJŠ at the end of his term

On the 2 July 2019 His Excellency Ambassador of the United States of America to Slovakia Mr Adam Sterling visited the BAS Department FF UPJŠ to say good-bye to the staff and PhD students of the Department at the end of his term in the office of the US Ambassador in Bratislava. Together with his team he spent the morning with teachers and doctoral students discussing already organised and planned activities and projects of the Department linked to the US Embassy in Slovakia, American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, cooperation with companies within the projects of Mentor Networking, Train the Trainer, Skills for
Success, Pear to Pear, BAS Career Club and lectures for students by American experts. Both sides agreed that the long-term cooperation of the BAS Department and the US Embassy in Bratislava has been very
active, positive and systematically bringing new possibilities for the implementation of teaching activities, research projects and events, and intensive bridging and linking of academia with business.

Teachers and PhD students present at the meeting thanked His Excellency Mr Adam Sterling for his personal support of activities of the BAS Department during the term of his post and expressed their best wishes
of health, success and possibilities of professional realisation at his new mission.

Návšteva diplomata Veľvyslanectva USA na Slovensku na KAA FF UPJŠ

V utorok 23. októbra 2018 poctil svojou návštevou Katedru anglistiky a amerikanistiky FF UPJŠ pán David Duerden, vedúci Tlačového a kultúrneho oddelenia Veľvyslanectva USA v Bratislave. V budove Platón ho v mene katedry a študentov privítala Mgr. Martina Martausová, PhD. Pán Duerden odprezentoval prednášku na tému slovensko-americké vzťahy, vyzdvihol dôležitosť spolupráce Spojených štátov amerických so Slovenskou republikou a krátkym videom pripomenul, že v roku 2018 Slovensko oslavuje nie iba 25. výročie samostatnosti, ale aj 100. výročie nadviazania slovensko-amerických vzťahov. Hlavnou myšlienkou prednášky bola idea, že nás spája odvaha byť slobodní. Na konci stretnutia dostali študenti priestor na diskusiu. Sme veľmi radi, že naši študenti mali opäť možnosť dozvedieť sa niečo nové o práci diplomata.
Mgr. Dominika Mohňanská
Doktorandka KAA FF UPJŠ

Special visit of the U.S. Embassy officer to the BAS Department FF UPJŠ

On Tuesday, 23rd October 2018, the BAS Department was honored by the visit of Mr. David Duerden, the Public Affairs Officer of the U.S. Embassy in Bratislava. In the Platon building Dr. Martina Martausová introduced the guest, who in his presentation laid emphasis on the Slovak – American relations. Mr. Duerden highlighted the importance of the cooperation of the Slovak Republic and the USA and noted that the year of 2018 is special not only because of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak Republic but also because this year we celebrate 100 years of the US-Slovak relations. The key message of the lecture was the idea, that our two nations are linked by the courage to be free. At the end of the meeting the students were given some space for their questions and a short discussion followed. We are very grateful to Mr. Duerden for sharing his expertise and we are looking forward for the next visit of the U.S. Embassy in Slovakia to our department. Mgr. Dominika Mohňanská PhD student of the BAS Department FF UPJŠ

British Ambassador to Slovakia Mr Andrew Garth: Brexit and the Future of the UK—EU Relations

Prvá návšteva veľvyslanca Spojeného kráľovstva VB a SI na KAA FF UPJŠ
Katedru anglistiky a amerikanistiky dňa 14.11.2017 navštívil veľvyslanec Jej veličenstva Kráľovnej Spojeného kráľovstva Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska. Jeho excelencia pán Andrew Garth hovoril so študentmi na aktuálne témy a rád odpovedal i na ich rôzne otázky. Účastníci tejto udalosti mali možnosť vypočuť si prednášku pána veľvyslanca, v ktorej sa zameral na aktuálnu tému Brexit a tiež na vzťahy medzi Spojeným kráľovstvom a Európskou Úniou. V rámci tejto témy pán veľvyslanec študentov bližšie oboznámil s príčinami a dôsledkami Brexitu, ako aj s blízkymi ekonomickými vzťahmi medzi Spojeným kráľovstvom a Európskou Úniou a, samozrejme, neopomenul i Slovensko. Prednáške predchádzalo stretnutie s vedením katedry, jej pedagógmi a doktorandmi, na ktorom sa hovorilo o vzájomnej spolupráci, no i o dôležitosti britskej kultúry a literatúry vo vyučovaní a výskume na našej Katedre. Tešíme sa na ďalšiu návštevu.

The first visit of the Ambassador of the UK at the BAS Department (EN) The Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Slovakia visited the Department of the British and American Studies on November 14, 2017. His Excellency Andrew Garth talked to students and answered their various questions. The participants of this event had a unique opportunity to listen to a lecture in which Ambassador Garth focused on the current topic of Brexit and the Future of Relations between the United Kingdom and the European Union. In the lecture, students were explained in more detail the reasons and outcomes of Brexit, and they could learn more about the close economic relationships between the United Kingdom and the European Union, as well as between the United Kingdom and the Slovak Republic. Before the lecture, His Excellency met with the management of the department, its teachers and PhD students where mutual cooperation and the importance of British culture and literature in teaching and in research at the Department of British and American Studies were discussed. We are looking forward to another visit.

A very special visit again: The U.S.-Slovak Relationship: Shared Values and Shared History

Fotogalériu na Facebooku si pozrite na tomto linku.
V pondelok, 13. novembra 2017, svojou návštevou poctil našu katedru veľvyslanec USA na Slovensku, jeho excelencia Adam Sterling. V Aule Kostlivého ho v mene katedry a študentov privítala pani docentka Tomaščíková a doktorka Buráková predstavila krátky prehľad osobných úspechov a kariérneho smerovania. Pán veľvyslanec našim študentom odprezentoval krátku prednášku, v ktorej sa venoval najmä slovensko-americkým vzťahom. Spomenul viacerých významných Slovákov pôsobiacich v Spojených štátoch a zároveň pozitívne hovoril o spolupráci našej krajiny s USA. Na konci stretnutia sa rozvírila veľmi zaujímavá diskusia, študenti kládli otázky týkajúce sa politických aj spoločenských záležitostí a ukázali, že nie sú len jazykovo zdatní, ale majú prehľad aj o spoločenskom dianí v Európe a vo svete. Veríme, že v budúcnosti k nám pán veľvyslanec opäť príde a aj ďalší študenti budú mať možnosť nahliadnuť do diplomatického sveta. Visit of the U.S. Ambassador at the BAS Department (EN)

On Monday, 13th November 2017, our department was honoured with the visit of the United States Ambassador to Slovakia, His Excellency Adam Sterling. In Kostlivého lecture hall, Associate Professor Tomaščíková welcomed the guest on behalf of the department and students, and Doctor Buráková introduced a brief overview of the ambassador´s personal achievements and career orientation. The US Ambassador gave a short lecture to students in which he focused on Slovak – American relations. He mentioned several famous Slovaks who were active in the US and was also speaking positively about the cooperation of Slovakia and the US. An interesting discussion opened towards the end of the meeting, the students posed questions related to political and social issues and proved that their language skills are not the only kind of knowledge they are disposed of, but they are also familiar with the current social affairs in Europe as well as in the world. We hope that US Ambassador will return to our department in the future and the other students will have a chance to take a look at the world of diplomacy.

The Department of British and American Studies FF UPJŠ is well-known in Mexico

Before the summer break, a valued guest from far-away Mexico arrived at our department to spend his one-month research stay with us. Anselmo Hernandéz is a PhD student at the National Autonomous University in Mexico, the oldest university on the whole Southern American continent. Throughout his PhD studies, Anselmo has been dealing with word-formation in Sanskrit, applying his own onomasiological approach to the research. Due to his interest in this theoretical framework, Anselmo has decided to visit P. J. Šafárik University in Košice in order to consult his approach with Prof. Dr. Pavol Štekauer, DrSc., the pioneer of onomasiology. Apart from expanding his academic perspectives, our guest had the opportunity to familiarize himself with Košice and its history, as well as with our university life at the Juniáles event organized in the university’s Botanical Garden on June 23rd, 2017. On the following day, Anselmo had the opportunity to enjoy Slovak folklore on Cassovia Folk Fest with the members of the Department. During the last days of his stay in Košice, our guest met with several experts from various countries all over the world, who attended the Department’s conference, Postmillennial Sensibilities in Anglophone Literatures, Cultures and Media, which took place from June 29th to July 1st, 2017. We are delighted to say that this visit has been of great value to both our guest and ourselves, and we wish for more guests such as Anselmo.
Mgr. Vesna Kalafus Antoniová
PhD student at KAA FF UPJŠ

11th February 2016
Members of the Department of British and American Studies met with the newly appointed public affairs officer of the American Embassy, Mr. Jason Khile at the Info USA, Scientific Library. The meeting was organized by the Head of ARC, Ms. Paula Holotňáková and co-organized by Mr. Jozef Fabrici, the Director of the Info USA. The members of the Department who are involved in the American section of the Department thanked Mr. Khile for the ongoing assistance of the Embassy to the Department and discussed further possibilities of extending cooperation.

On 9th of March 2015 we welcomed a very precious guest, a Charge d'affaires of the American Embassy in Bratislava Mr Norman Thatcher Scharpf together with Ms Heather Bostock, an intern at the US Department of State. Mr Scharpf gave our students a lecture on the American foreign policy and was open to discussion afterwards. Some members of the Department guided Mr Sharpf through the language lab, TOEFL testing centre and had an informal discussion over lunch. Special thanks belongs to Mrs Pavla Holotňáková, the Director of American Reference Centre for organizing the event.


Prof. Vesna Lopicic, PhD. – University of Nis, Serbia
Milena Kostic, MA.- University of Nis, Serbia
Doc. Nieves Pascual, PhD.- University of Jaen, Spain
Doc. Marta Fernández Morales, PhD. – University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
Doc. José Igor Prieto Arranz, PhD. – University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
Dr. Andrada Pintilescu – Transilvania University, Braşov, Romania
Haluk Ucel, M.A. – Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey
Doc. PhDr. Tomáš Hoskovec, CSc. – Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic


Piotr Mamet (Erasmus) – Uniwersytet Śląski, Poland
Elzbieta Rokosz (Erasmus) – Uniwersitet Rzeszow, Poland
Stanislav Kavka (Erazmus) – Ostravská univerzita, Česká Republika
Ema Jelinková – Olomouc, Česká Republika
Astrid Fellner – Saarland University, Austria
Nieves Soller Pascual – Jaen University, Spain


Doc. Tomas Hoskovec, PhD. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
Prof. Zoltan Kovecses. Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary.
Prof. Lachlan Mackenzie. ILTEC Institute, Lisbon, Portugal.
PhDr. Miroslav Cerny, PhD. Ostrava University, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Prof. Haluk Ucel. Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Prof. Dr. Jose Igor Prieto-Arranz. University of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca, Spain.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Murphy. University of Maryland – European Division, USA/Italy.
Doc. Dr. Piotr Mamet. University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
Doc. Dr. Grzegorz Drozdz. University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
Jim Bee. Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK.
Prof. Jan Fronek. Brno, Czech Republic.
Dr. Ildiko Dosa. Budapest, Hungary.
Ghil'ad Zuckermann. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.


US Ambassador. On November 29, our special guest speaker was the US Ambassador Rodolphe Vallee. Mr. Vallee spoke to a gathering of students and faculty about the US system of presidential elections.

Michael Rundell. On November 15, a leading British lexicographer Michael Rundell gave a lecture for teachers and students of the department. Mr. Rundell is the editor-in-chief of Macmillan dictionaries of English.


British Ambassador. Her Excellency Judith Macgregor, UK Ambassador to Slovakia visited the Department of British and American Studies as part of her trip to Kosice. She first met with Prof. PhDr. Stekauer, CSc. to discuss cooperation between Slovak and British universities, the participation of institutions providing education in EU programs and the department’s activities in this field.Afterwards, Her Excellency gave a lecture on the possibilities of studying at British universities. The lecture, which took place at the Department of British and American Studies, Moyzesova 50, was attended by 1st and 2nd year students. Following the lecture was a discussion concerning study opportunities in Britain as well as bilateral relations, multiculturalism in the UK, and the relation between English and other languages within UK.

American Press Attache. On 15 November Keith Hughes, Press Attache of the US Embassy, visited our Department. After meeting with the management of the Department, Mr Hughes had a discussion with the students at Moyzesova 50, during which he also distributed books released by the US Department of State.Mr Hughes showed a keen interest in the Department’s mission in providing first and second-degree programs in British and American studies, which should eventually be followed by a graduate program in this field.