The Postmillennial Sensibility in Anglophone Literatures, Cultures and Media
29 June – 1 July 2017, Košice, Slovakia
Past Events
Dňa 3.4 2017 sa v Štátnej vedeckej knižnici a INFO USA v Košiciach uskutočnili verejné prezentácie študentov prvého ročníka magisterského štúdia.
Za odvahu oprášiť svoje práce ďakujeme týmto študentom: Bc. Karolína Košíková, Bc. Jozef Rosenberg, Bc. Ján Profant, Bc. Mikuláš Sviatko, Bc. Róbert Szorád. Za organizáciu prednášky ďakujeme Jozefovi Fabricimu z INFO USA.
(Zuzana Buráková)
Dňa 22.3.2017 sa na katedre anglistiky a amerikanistiky uskutočnila prednášky profesora Shuylera Foerstera na tému NATO and European Security.
Prednášku nám pomohla zorganizovať kultúrna sekcia amerického veľvyslanectva USA v Bratislave. Okrem študentov anglistiky a amerikanistiky a študentov katedry politológie sa prednášky zúčastnili aj Jason Khile (Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy Bratislava), Sommers Pierce (Regional Public Engagement Specialist, U.S. Embassy Vienna), Paula Holotňáková a Natália Pindrochová (z kultúrnej sekcie U.S. Embassy) (Zuzana Buráková)
Dňa 9. februára 2017 sa naša katedra úspešne prezentovala na prezentačnej výstave pomaturitného a celoživotného vzdelávania Kam na vysokú, ktorá je organizovaná v 6 krajských mestách Slovenska Národným kariérnym centrom. Medzi vystavovateľov patria slovenské a zahraničné vysoké školy a vzdelávacie inštitúcie. Je určená pre končiacich študentov stredných škôl a ich rodičov, ktorí majú možnosť zistiť si informácie potrebné pri správnom výbere vysokej školy. Zástupcovia našej katedry návštevníkom výstavy organizovanej v Dome techniky v Košiciach predstavili naše študijné odbory a informovali žiakov o možnostiach a podmienkach štúdia a uplatnenia sa v praxi. Veľmi zaujímavá bola prezentácia o projekte I Think For Myself (Myslím za seba), ktorý je študentským projektom zameraným na zvyšovanie mediálnej gramotnosti a podnecovanie kritického myslenia u stredoškolákov. Záujemcovia si taktiež mohli vyskúšať svoje znalosti o USA v krátkom kvíze a tiež sa otestovať, či sa hodia na kariéru tlmočníka. Diskusie za okrúhlym stolom ponúkli študentom príležitosť neformálnou formou získať informácie o možnostiach štúdia na našej katedre (Mgr. Lýdia Desiatniková).
12th December 2016
Our amazing students are interpreting at Košice Invest conference organized by AmCham…-invest-2016
Thank you to
Bc. Zuzana Eperješiová
Bc. Patrícia Miháliková
Bc. Lukáš Motičák
Bc. Juraj Majcher
Bc. Zuzana Solejová
We are proud to have you as our students!
14 and 16th of November 2016
Department of BAS hosted an associate professor Hans Gotzsche from Aalborg Universitz in Denmark. Professor Gotzsche gave a lecture to our BA and MA students on the topic Descriptive and Formal Approaches in Syntax as well as a lecture to our PhD students Linguistic Form, Formalisms and Machines.
8. november 2016
Career Day
Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky v spolupráci s Národným kariérnym centrom pripravila dňa 8.11.2016 pre svojich študentov prvý ročník podujatia Career Day, na ktorom sa študenti mohli dozvedieť zaujímavé informácie o možnostiach zamestnania, ale aj o tom, ako pri hľadaní práce postupovať.
Začínalo sa v Aule Kostlivého. Po krátkom privítaní študentov a stručnom predstavení firiem a spoločností nasledovala prednáška profesionálneho speakera a mentora Owena Fernandesa, ktorý plnej aule študentov ponúkol motivujúci spôsob nazerania na budovanie svojej kariéry.
Po skončení prednášky si študenti mohli vybrať, či budú pokračovať profesijnými workshopmi alebo prezentáciami konkrétnych spoločností. Na workshopoch v budove Platón odzneli rady ako si naplánovať život a kariéru, napísať životopis, či ako sa stať profesionálnym prekladateľom, a pri infostánkoch firiem ako aj na prezentáciách v budove Minerva sa študenti mohli dozvedieť bližšie informácie ku konkrétnym pozíciám v spoločnostiach ako napríklad Accenture, Amazon, AT&T, Holcim, Mapower, SUVko Coaching, Your Choice. Pri infostánkoch si študenti mohli vyskúšať aj test profesijnej orientácie a zistiť tak, na aké typy zamestnania by sa mohli zamerať.
Záujem a účasť na všetkých stanovištiach prekonal očakávania. Veľká vďaka patrí organizátorom podujatia doc. Tomaščíkovej a dr. Rozenfeldovi, tým, ktorí pri organizácii a priebehu podujatia pomáhali, ako aj firmám a spoločnostiam, ktoré svojou účasťou prispeli k bohatému programu. Veríme, že akcia priniesla študentom mnohé cenné informácie a rady ku ich kariérnemu rastu a dúfame, že sa podarí tento úspech zopakovať aj v ďalších rokoch.
Mgr. Petra Filipová, PhD študent KAaA UPJŠ
7th of October 2016
Open Day
On October 7th, 2016, the Department of British and American Studies opened its gates to the public. More than 70 high school students attended the presentations and learned more about studying at the Department. In addition, information about Erasmus programs was provided, together with a presentation of the director of the National Career Centre about its activities offered to the students of the Department. In an informal discussion after the presentations, students could get the answers to their questions from the department staff as well as current MA students, or attend a tour of our modern translation laboratories.
Special thanks goes to the organizers of this event, as well as to the MA and PhD students who provided assistance and answered all questions with patience and kindness.
28th of September 2016
Európsky deň jazykov
Európsky deň jazykov 2016 v Košiciach
Aj tento rok sa v Košiciach pri Dolnej bráne na Hlavnej ulici a v kultúrno-vzdelávacom centre Štátnej
vedeckej knižnice v Košiciach dňa 28.9.2016 konalo podujatie Európsky deň jazykov, ktoré každoročne
organizuje Generálne riaditeľstvo pre preklad Európskej komisie už od roku 2001. Podujatie Európsky
deň jazykov má za cieľ informovať o rozmanitosti jazykov v Európe, podporiť kultúrnu a jazykovú
rôznorodosť a takisto podporiť a motivovať ľudí v učení sa cudzích jazykov.
Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach mala v rámci podujatia svoj prezentačný stánok, ktorý
bol tvorený zástupcami jednotlivých katedier a pracovísk Filozofickej fakulty so zameraním na jazyky –
prítomní boli teda zástupcovia z Katedry anglistiky a amerikanistiky, Katedry germanistiky, Katedry
romanistiky a klasickej filológie, Katedry slovakistiky, slovanských filológií a komunikácie a z Centra
jazykovej prípravy. V tomto stánku si žiaci základných a stredných škôl a prípadní ďalší záujemcovia mohli
zasúťažiť formou hier, kvízov a dotazníkov v rôznych jazykoch.
Zastúpenie Katedry anglistiky a amerikanistiky bolo v stánku tohto roku početné. Pre tento deň
sa rozhodlo venovať pár hodín svojej milej prítomnosti a komunikatívnosti niekoľko ochotných
a príjemných študentiek – Mária Reľovská, Barbora Podstavková, Katarína Martonová, Miriam Szarvasová
a doktorandky – Vesna Antoniová a Lýdia Borková, ktoré pohotovo reagovali už od samého začiatku
a zabávali pri stolíku hemžiace sa mini-publikum stále iného zloženia. Mladší žiaci riešili jednoduché
hlavolamy, pexeso, hádali mená známych osobností anglicky hovoriacich krajín, alebo názvy známych
televíznych sitcomov. Starší žiaci mali za úlohu spájať anglické názvy „false friends“ s ich slovenskými
ekvivalentami a takisto hrali hru zameranú na všeobecné vedomosti o Európe. Úspešní súťažiaci boli
odmeňovaní malými darčekmi. Okrem súťaženia sa pri tomto stolíku mohli prípadní záujemcovia
o štúdium jazykov informovať o možnostiach štúdia jazykov na Katedre anglistiky a amerikanistiky
Filozofickej fakulty UPJŠ. Úlohou tohto stolíka a celého stánku bolo takisto pozývanie na Deň otvorených
dverí, ktorý Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika naplánovala na 7. október 2016.
Obom zúčastneným vekovým skupinám, žiakom základných aj stredných škôl, bol pri stánku
Katedry anglistiky a amerikanistiky distribuovaný a hneď aj vyhodnocovaný kvíz zameraný na všeobecné
vedomosti o anglicky hovoriacich krajinách, ktorý jednotne pre všetky jazyky vopred pripravilo Generálne
riaditeľstvo pre preklad Európskej komisie. Za správne vyplnenie viacerých kvízov z rôznych jazykov boli
súťažiaci odmeňovaní darčekmi. Súčasťou celého podujatia bolo aj vyhlásenie víťazov súťaže o Najlepší
cudzojazyčný komix a súťaže Prelož a zaspievaj. Celé podujatie sa nieslo v duchu príjemnej viacjazyčnej
atmosféry, ktorá plnohodnotne naplnila zámer osláv Európskeho dňa jazykov aj tohto roku.…den-jazykov/
September 2016
The Department of British and American Studies was honoured to welcome a newly appointed ambassador of the US, his Excellency Mr. Adam H. Sterling at the new premises on Moyzesova 9. The Head of the Department, associate professor Slávka Tomaščíková guided his Excellency and his team through our language and interpreting labs and then introduced the new ambassador to the students who interpreted at the Globsec conference and to some members of the staff. His Excellency Mr. Sterling spent a great deal of time discussing various activities of the Department such as the foundation of the Film club co-organized with the Info USA, our participation in P2P Challenge Extremism programme, the research areas of the staff in the area of American studies, the activities of the TOEFL testing centre and the eagerness of the Department to expand networking activities. We are very honored and grateful for such a wonderful informal visit and hope to welcome the ambassador at our Department in the near future. We also want to thank Paula Holotňáková, the Director of the American Reference Centre for helping us organize such a wonderful event.
September 2016
Naša kolegyňa pani docentka Lívia Kortvelyessy, PhD., získala cenu rektora UPJŠ za nesmierny prínos v publikačnej činnosti. Srdečne blahoželáme a ďakujeme za skvelú reprezentáciu katedry nielen doma, ale aj vo svete.
July 2016
Naša študentka Zuzana Eperješiová získala cenu rektora. Srdečne blahoželáme a ďakujeme za skvelú reprezentáciu katedry…enu-rektora/
Our interpreters took part in Globsec City Talks conference in Košice. Their performance was highly appreciated by the audience emphasizing three key qualities which an interpreter should have: professional preparation of the topic, self-confidence and cultivated performance. A special thanks goes to their instructors Dr. Franko and Dr. Janigová!
22.3. 2016
On the 22nd of March, a total of 14 of our students took part in a conference organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia. Four of these were offered an opportunity to hone their interpreting skills in an actual professional environment. Although the transfer from our friendly training booths to the hard reality of conference interpreting is anything but easy, the students took up the challenge very competently. The rest of the students were invited as guests – and they, too, played their part admirably. This event, which took place in the Double Tree by Hilton hotel in Košice, was part of the “HR week” series of events, the main topic of which were organisational changes in a company and how to deal with them. After an opening word by Jake Slegers, the Executive Director of AmCham Slovakia, the floor was given to the keynote speaker of the conference – Dorie Clark, consultant, professional speaker, and a frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review and the TIME Magazine. Her one-hour-long presentation on networking was nothing short of memorable and it gave our interpreters plenty of opportunities to show off their craft. After the coffee break, there was a panel discussion, named “How to Introduce Changes and Produce Positive Results in Slovak Companies?”, in which representatives of companies such as T-systems Slovakia, U.S. Steel Košice and Grafton Recruitment participated. Last but not least came a workshop by Dagmar Zukalová, titled “Change Management from the Perspective of Legal Practice”, which provided an exhaustive look into the lawyer’s viewpoint of change management. In the end, the 50 or so guests – including our students – left the conference very satisfied with both the content and – I dare hope – our colleagues’ interpreting.
Martin Vranovský
1. 4. 2016
Prednášajúca:Zuzana Angelovičová
Téme prednášky:Začínajúci prekladateľ na slovenskom trhu
Zábery z prednášky:…15990347253/?…
Mrs Selena-Nelson Salcedo, the Consular Officer of the U.S. Embassy in Bratislava gave our students a lecture on American Presidential Election 2016. The lecture was followed by a lively discussion from our students.…
23. 2. 2016
Prednášajúca: Zuzana Zvirinská
Téma prednášky: Tlmočnícky protokol, protokolárne tlmočenie – radosti a strasti tlmočníckeho života
Zábery z prednášky:…128228492696
7. 3. 2016
Prednášajúci: Roman Gajdoš
Téma prednášky:Tlmočník – prekladateľ: povolanie, poslanie, hobby, vášeň, závislosť?
Zábery z prednášky…527224819463
11th February 2016
Members of the Department of British and American Studies met with the newly appointed public affairs officer of the American Embassy, Mr. Jason Khile at the Info USA, Scientific Library. The meeting was organized by the Head of ARC, Ms. Paula Holotňáková and co-organized by Mr. Jozef Fabrici, the Director of the Info USA. The members of the Department who are involved in the American section of the Department thanked Mr. Khile for the ongoing assistance of the Embassy to the Department and discussed further possibilities of extending cooperation.
Department of British and American Studies hosted a special guest
Professor Mark W. Meisel, PhD, Dr.h.c., Department of Physics and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
Topic: What is American “Science”? A look at the history of Bell Labs.
Date: 19.11.2015 10.00–11.30 in AT0P2.
What is American “Science”? A look at the history of Bell Labs.
Professor Mark W. Meisel, PhD, Dhc
Department of Physics and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory,
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
In the spirit of asking a simple question, “What is American?”, I
propose an answer as it relates to science. In condensed matter
physics, Bell Labs is often cited as an iconic example of American
science [1]. I will avoid speaking nerdy and will provide my biased
[1] “The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American
Innovation”, Jon Gertner (Penguin Books, 2012).
46:What-is-American-UPJS-Kosice-Nov-2015-Meisel.pdf „PRESENTATION BY PROF. MEISEL“
Lecture by: Dr. Milena Kaličanin, University of Niš, Serbia
Topic: “Tis the times’ plague when madmen lead the blind”: Madness and Blindness in Shakespeare's King Lear and Bond's Lear.
Date: 10.11.2015 10.40–11.40 in AT1S7.
Lecture by: Professor Myriam Boussahba Bravard, Universite Paris 7 Diderot, France
Topic: Women promoting women at the 1893 Chicago International Fair: identities, representation and political structuring
Date: 18.11.2015 15.00–17.00 in AT0P7.
14th of October 2015 – The Head of the Department doc. Dr. Slávka Tomaščíková opened a lecture by Mrs Selena Nelson-Salcedo, the consul officer of the American Embassy in Bratislava entitled Immigration in the U.S. – historically and today. After the lecture Mrs Salcedo answered a variety of questions from the students of British and American Studies. The director of INFO-USA centre Mr. Jozef Fabrici also participated in the event giving a short presentation of the centre services and volunteering opportunities for our students.
June 2015 – A new addition to the translation/interpreting section of our Department! We received a portable translation case as a generous gift from the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Bratislava. Thank you Paula Holotňáková for arranging such a generous donation.
- 2015 WORD-FORMATION THEORIES II –…-theories-ii#…
On 9th of March 2015 we welcomed a very precious guest, a Charge d'affaires of the American Embassy in Bratislava Mr Norman Thatcher Scharpf together with Ms Heather Bostock, an intern at the US Department of State. Mr Scharpf gave our students a lecture on the American foreign policy and was open to discussion afterwards. Some members of the Department guided Mr Sharpf through the language lab, TOEFL testing centre and had an informal discussion over lunch. Special thanks belongs to Mrs Pavla Holotňáková, the Director of American Reference Centre for organizing the event.
On 5th of March 2015, we hosted a PhD lecture by prof. Anna Malicka-Kleparska from John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Institute of English Studies, Poland. The title of the lecture was Current Trends in Generative morpho-syntax.
On 17h of February 2015, we hosted two lectures by Dr. Emilia Wasikiewicz-Firlej from the Department of Ecocommunication, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. The title of the lectures: Business Communication Across Cultures and Successful Public Speaking
On Wednesday, December 17, 2014 we hosted two PhD lectures by prof. Nicolas Ballier from the University Paris Diderot, Paris 7 titled: 1. Using Zotero with word for automatic bibliographies
2. Basic statistics for textual analysis
- On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 the InfoUSA Kosice hosted a lecture by Bc. Dominika Valčová – a student from Department of British and American studies at the University of P.J.Šafárik in Košice on the topic: Seven Sacred Rites of “Pte Oyate” the Teton Lakota People.…
- 2014 ESSE Conference –
- 11th and 15th of April 2014
TEFL workshop with Dr. Heather McKay, an English Language Specialist.
Some members of our Department are always eager to learn more, therefore we took part in the workshop on how to improve our teaching skills with a professional English Language Specialist, Dr. Heather McKay who has been with us this summer term as a result of our cooperation with the Embassy of the United States of America in Bratislava.
- 9th of April 2014
The Department of British and American Studies welcomed Mr George M. Chinnery, Regional English Language Officer, Embassy of the United States of America. Mr Chinnery was introduced to the members of the Department, guided through the language and interpreting labs and acquainted with the projects of our Department. He also participated in a classroom observation of Creative writing seminar led by Dr. Heather McKay, an English Language Specialist who has been with us this summer semester.
- ** April 2014 Lecture: CANADA AND the USA: „salad bowl" vs. „melting pot“ by Dr. Edyta Krajewska Institute of Humanities, Department of Applied Linguistics, Stanislaw Staszic State School of Higher Vocational Education in Pila, Poland
- ** April 2014 Lecture: Are People Heading for self-destruction? Margaret Atwood´s MaddAddam Trilogy by Dr. Edyta Krajewska Institute of Humanities, Department of Applied Linguistics, Stanislaw Staszic State School of Higher Vocational Education in Pila, Poland
- October 2013 Going Gaga: Fandom, Coolness and Lady Gaga, lecture by prof. Astrid Fellner
- August 2012 – Universals and Typology in Word Formation II.
- May 5–7, 2011 – PhD Conference
- May 21–22, 2010 – International conference: James Bond & Co.
- 26 November 2009 – 11:00–13:00,Ondrej Matuska & MACMILLAN titled Corpus: An interesting way to look at the language.
- Aug 16–18, 2009 – International conference: Universals and Typology in Word Formation.
- March 24, 2009 – Cambridge Day with Raymond Murphy
- Apr 28–29, 2008 – International conference: Culture, Language and Literature Across Border Regions
- Sep 13–14, 2007 – International workshop: ESP – Terminology and Translation
Visits to the Department
Prof. Vesna Lopicic, PhD. – University of Nis, Serbia
Milena Kostic, MA.- University of Nis, Serbia
Doc. Nieves Pascual, PhD.- University of Jaen, Spain
Doc. Marta Fernández Morales, PhD. – University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
Doc. José Igor Prieto Arranz, PhD. – University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
Dr. Andrada Pintilescu – Transilvania University, Braşov, Romania
Haluk Ucel, M.A. – Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey
Doc. PhDr. Tomáš Hoskovec, CSc. – Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Piotr Mamet (Erasmus) – Uniwersytet Śląski, Poland
Elzbieta Rokosz (Erasmus) – Uniwersitet Rzeszow, Poland
Stanislav Kavka (Erazmus) – Ostravská univerzita, Česká Republika
Ema Jelinková – Olomouc, Česká Republika
Astrid Fellner – Saarland University, Austria
Nieves Soller Pascual – Jaen University, Spain
Doc. Tomas Hoskovec, PhD. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
Prof. Zoltan Kovecses. Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary.
Prof. Lachlan Mackenzie. ILTEC Institute, Lisbon, Portugal.
PhDr. Miroslav Cerny, PhD. Ostrava University, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Prof. Haluk Ucel. Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Prof. Dr. Jose Igor Prieto-Arranz. University of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca, Spain.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Murphy. University of Maryland – European Division, USA/Italy.
Doc. Dr. Piotr Mamet. University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
Doc. Dr. Grzegorz Drozdz. University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
Jim Bee. Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK.
Prof. Jan Fronek. Brno, Czech Republic.
Dr. Ildiko Dosa. Budapest, Hungary.
Ghil'ad Zuckermann. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
US Ambassador. On November 29, our special guest speaker was the US Ambassador Rodolphe Vallee. Mr. Vallee spoke to a gathering of students and faculty about the US system of presidential elections.
Michael Rundell. On November 15, a leading British lexicographer Michael Rundell gave a lecture for teachers and students of the department. Mr. Rundell is the editor-in-chief of Macmillan dictionaries of English.
British Ambassador. Her Excellency Judith Macgregor, UK Ambassador to Slovakia visited the Department of British and American Studies as part of her trip to Kosice. She first met with Prof. PhDr. Stekauer, CSc. to discuss cooperation between Slovak and British universities, the participation of institutions providing education in EU programs and the department’s activities in this field.Afterwards, Her Excellency gave a lecture on the possibilities of studying at British universities. The lecture, which took place at the Department of British and American Studies, Moyzesova 50, was attended by 1st and 2nd year students. Following the lecture was a discussion concerning study opportunities in Britain as well as bilateral relations, multiculturalism in the UK, and the relation between English and other languages within UK.
American Press Attache. On 15 November Keith Hughes, Press Attache of the US Embassy, visited our Department. After meeting with the management of the Department, Mr Hughes had a discussion with the students at Moyzesova 50, during which he also distributed books released by the US Department of State.Mr Hughes showed a keen interest in the Department’s mission in providing first and second-degree programs in British and American studies, which should eventually be followed by a graduate program in this field.