Postmillennial Sensibility in Anglophone Literatures, Cultures and Media III

Dates: 20. 06. 2024 - 22. 06. 2024


Submission of abstracts: extended deadline till 30 April 2024
Notification of acceptance: extended deadline till 15 May 2024
Registration: begins on 16 April 2024

Conference programme available here.


The rising pressure of environmental problems on the postmillennial globalised world has fuelled the rapid developments in transdisciplinary revisions and transformations of anthropocentric perspectives. Contemporary studies of environmental approaches to literary, cultural, and media texts are rooted primarily in the discipline of ecocriticism with its focus on the relations between social identities contexts and ‘life’s largest relevant context, the biosphere’ (Garrard 2004). By casting a critical light on the excessive postmodernist concern with language and its claims about ‘the end of nature’ (Volkmann et al. 2010), ecocriticism opens up possibilities for examining representations of nature, environmental issues and post-Cartesian concepts of identity, such as the ‘ecological self’ (Naess 1985), the ‘dialogical self’ (Hermans, H.J.M, & Hermans-Konopka 2010) or ‘posthuman subjectivity’(Braidotti 2013) through new, postmillennial theoretical frameworks of metamodernism, performatism, cosmodernism, transmodernism, or hypermodernism. Metamodernist revivals of romantic sensibilities (Vermeulen and Akker, 2010 ) create a basis for explorations of the ongoing influence of the Romantic imagination on the formation of ecological consciousness (Bate 1991; Buell 1996); cosmodernism relates the efforts to overcome environmental problems with the creation of ‘an ecology of relations, that is, another way of thinking about being in the world’ (Moraru 2011); transmodernism points to the emergence, since the 1980s, of a “planetary,” “postpatriarchal” and “postsecular” cultural shift (Ateljevic 213, 203) aimed at “reenchanting” the world, whose perception and analysis require the establishment of horizontal dialogues among different traditions of thought, as opposed to universalism (Dussel 1994, 2008; Grosfoguel 2008) and hypermodernism (Lipovetsky 2005) creates the potential to explore the devastating ecological effects of excessive consumption patterns.

The conference aims to create a suitable forum for discussions about the fruitful intersections among new aesthetic trends, environmental sensibilities, and post-Cartesian identity representations in contemporary literary, cultural, and media texts.

Possible topics include but are not limited to
• environmental aspects of food representation in culture, literature, and media
• food practices, ecology, and identity in culture, literature, and media
• philosophy, consumerism, and human food behaviour in culture, literature, and media
• food, anthropology, and cultural ecology in culture, literature, and media
• culinary practices and communication in culture, literature, and media
• social ecology of food, consumer behaviour, and climate change in culture, literature, and media
• environment, ecology, and cultural heritage in culture, literature, and media
• ecological identity in local and global contexts in postmillennial culture, literature, and media
• environmental issues and the revival of the Romantic imagination in postmillennial nature writing
• the pastoral, anti-pastoral, and post-pastoral in contemporary environmental aesthetics
• environmental crisis in postmillennial dystopian narratives
• ethnic literature and environmental ethics
• ethnicity/indigeneity/transnationalism/eco-cosmopolitanism/globalisation and environmentalism intersections in contemporary literary and media narratives
• environmental problems and social justice
• ‘empathizing imagination’ (Malamud 2003) in literary and media representations of the non-human
• ecofeminism and environmental aesthetics in contemporary women’s fiction

We invite proposals for twenty-minute papers relating to the Conference’s main topic. Submissions will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis.

The conference also aims to provide a platform for PhD students to present their work in progress related to the conference's main topic.
PhD students are invited to submit proposals for ten-minute presentations of their doctoral thesis projects that should include the main topic and issues, defended hypothesis, and the main methodological framework of their doctoral research. Accepted projects will be presented during a special Doctoral Seminar that will provide an opportunity for students to exchange ideas with their fellow students and receive feedback from senior scholars.

Authors of presented papers will be invited to extend their papers for publication in electronic or print format with ISBN.


Representations of Participation and Withdrawal as Alternative Food Practices in Contemporary Culture

Petra Filipová, Martina Martausová, Silvia Rosivalová Baučeková

In reaction to the compounding crises facing contemporary eaters, which give rise to various concerns around food consumption and production (e.g., environmental, moral, religious/spiritual, social, cultural/ethnic, health-related, and others), there has been a surge of interest in alternative food practices. These fall into two groups. One group of eaters react by refraining from food practices deemed harmful or problematic. These eaters deliberately engage in eating behaviours characterised by withdrawal, such as veganism and vegetarianism, restrictive dieting, or intermittent fasting. The other group is opting for the opposite approach. They adopt various food practices, such as urban or guerrilla gardening, foraging, or homesteading, through which they aim to increase their participation in food production (and consumption). Fuelling these alternative food practices is either a dream of a utopian future or, alternatively, a perceived remembrance of a nostalgic past, in which food systems will be/were more sustainable, fairer, and healthier.
This panel aims to explore how these emerging practices are represented in contemporary cultural discourse. We invite contributions from a wide range of disciplines across the humanities, including literary studies, media studies, films studies, etc., which discuss this topic in a range of fictional and non-fictional texts.


Academic Committee:

María José Coperías Aguilar, University of Valencia, Spain

Eduardo De Gregorio-Godeo, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Raoul Eshelman, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany

Ákos Farkas, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Milena Kaličanin, University in Niš, Serbia

Krzsysztof Kosecki, University of Lodz, Poland

Vesna Lopičič, University in Niš, Serbia

María Losada Friend, University of Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain

Susana Onega, University of Zaragoza, Spain

José Igor Prieto Arranz, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain

Richard Sťahel, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Slovakia

Soňa Šnircová, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia

Katalin Szlukovényi Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Slávka Tomaščíková, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia

Michaela Weiss, Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic

Paul Wilson, University of Lodz, Poland

Organizing Committee:

Zuzana Buráková (P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Petra Filipová (P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Martina Martausová (P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Silvia Rosivalová Baučeková (P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Július Rozenfeld (P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Adriana Saboviková (P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Karin Sabolíková (P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Soňa Šnircová (P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Slávka Tomaščíková (P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)

Plenary speakers


Prof. Dr. Susana Onega, University of Zaragoza, SPAIN

Web profile

Transmodernity and the Ethics of Reenchantment

The view of nature which predominated in the West down to the eve of the Scientific Revolution was that of an enchanted world. The advent of rationalism in the modern era severed the ancestral bond between human beings and nature, provoking a traumatic sense of “disenchantment with the world.” The lecture addresses this phenomenon and its complex socio-cultural and literary effects before presenting the rise of transmodernity, a postpatriarchal and postsecular cultural paradigm emerging in the 1990s that, according to its proponents, inaugurates a new era of spiritual regeneration and renaissance that will put an end to the disenchantment of the world. These ideas are illustrated with examples of the ethics and aesthetics underlying the literary representation of (dis-)enchantment.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Richard Sťahel, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy

Web profile

Concept of Democracy for the New Climatic Regime

Anthropogenic devastation of the Earth System and global social destruction are accelerating. The current state can thus be characterized as a poly-crisis, i.e. a multilevel mutual interaction of climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, and pollution crisis, but also a social, economic, and political crisis. Several scientific discourses such as the Anthropocene, Tipping points, Great Acceleration, or Planetary boundaries are trying to grasp the complex interconnectedness and interdependence of these crisis phenomena. Their cumulative effect is manifested among other things in the crisis of constitutional democracy, which in its current form is not able to face the erosion of its social, cultural, and environmental assumptions. The lecture will focus on the concept of environmental democracy, which is aimed at harmonizing the concept of constitutional democracy with the knowledge of Earth system sciences and the conditions of the New climatic regime. The concept of environmental democracy develops the ideas that arose within the concepts of political and social ecology, the Jonas principle of responsibility, Morrison's concept of ecological democracy as the constitutive idea of ecological civilization, and Latour's concept of politics for the New climatic regime but considers also the most recent update of planetary boundaries concept. The previous effort of the planetary boundaries concept to identify and quantify the planetary cycles important for maintaining the stability of the planetary system in a state that enables the existence of an organized human society is supplemented by the criteria of environmental justice and equity. The concept of environmental democracy tries to formulate a concept of a political system that respects both the concepts of human rights and constitutional democracy as well as the concept of safe and just planetary boundaries.


Prof. Dr. Raoul Eshelman, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, GERMANY

Web profile

Theories of Post-postmodernism: an Overview

Over the last fifteen years a large number of theories have arisen that address the issue of post-postmodernism. In my talk I will provide an overview of the different approaches to post-postmodernism by distinguishing between sociologically oriented and text-oriented theories. Whereas sociological theories are marked by conceptual and thematic eclecticism and a lack of empirical rigor, text-based theories can be shown to have arrived at a rough consensus regarding questions of subjectivity, ethics, aesthetics and transcendence. In my presentation I will outline the bases of this consensus, and then focus on the differences and similarities between my own theory of performatism and metamodernism as developed by Robin van den Akker and Timotheus Vermeulen.

Dr. José Igor Prieto-Arranz, University of the Balearic Islands, SPAIN

Web profile

‘All that cold. All this green’. David Hockney and the intermedial expression of seasonality in Ali Smith’s post-Brexit quintet

Drawing on Kostkowska (2013), this paper explores Ali Smith’s conception of the novel as a dialogically ‘symbiotic’ form that is characterised by its porosity to other genres and artistic forms (Masters 2021: 983; Schrag 2023). This makes Smith’s novels essentially intertextual and even intermedial. It is precisely intermediality understood as ‘media combination’ (Rajewsky 2005: 51–52) that will be studied here. More specifically, the paper will scrutinise the relationship between the narrative in Smith’s five latest novels—Autumn (2016), Winter (2017), Spring (2019), Summer (2020) and Companion Piece (2022)—and their cover artwork by David Hockney.
Thus, parallels will be drawn between Hockney’s and Smith’s pictorial and narrative techniques before attention is paid to the specific East Yorkshire landscape paintings chosen as artwork for Smith’s post-Brexit quintet. My analysis will provide textual evidence from Companion Piece which I interpret as a metafictional reflection on the nature of the relationship between text and the Hockney paratext, challenging the traditional views according to which the paratext is subordinate to the text and suggesting instead the symbiotic or dialogical nature of a relationship between two equally important elements that make up a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts—the novel as an art object in its own right that, demanding ‘slow reading’, functions as an antidote against an Internet-driven, social media-dominated ‘age of distraction’ (McNeill 2019).
The paper finishes by exploring one of the very specific themes that both Smith’s post-Brexit quintet and Hockney’s east Yorkshire paintings address, namely what Stallabrass has called ‘the eternal cycle of nature’ (2012: 93). In this analysis an account will be provided for Hockney’s apparently abrupt transition from the depiction of the human figure to landscape painting in the new millennium. This account, informed by Smith’s ecocritical engagement with Hockney’s art, will lead to the conclusion that the use of the ‘eternal cycle of nature’ theme in both Hockney and Smith blurs the boundary between, on the one hand, the human and the natural world and, on the other, life and death. This, among other findings, serves to identify an important note of metamodern hope in Smith’s oeuvre, which—like Hockney’s art—provides a glimpse of the ultimately transcendent nature of (what more often than not we insist on perceiving as transient) life (Vermeulen and van den Akker 2010: 6).


Abstracts of papers (500 words max.) clearly defining the topic and the objectives pursued in the paper should be submitted by e-mail as WORD attachments to: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soňa Šnircová ( ) by 30 APRIL 2024.

Authors of presented papers will be invited to extend their papers for publication in electronic or print format with ISBN.

PhD students are invited to submit proposals for ten-minute presentations of their doctoral thesis projects that should include the main topic and issues, defended hypothesis, and the main methodological framework of their doctoral research. Accepted projects will be presented during a special Doctoral Seminar that will provide an opportunity for students to exchange ideas with their fellow students and receive feedback from senior scholars.

The Book of Abstracts can be found on this link.


Submission of abstracts: extended deadline till 30 April 2024
Notification of acceptance: extended deadline till 15 May 2024
Registration: begins on 16 April 2024

Early bird registration fee to be paid before 31 MAY 2024.


Abstracts of papers (500 words max.) clearly defining the topic and the objectives pursued in the paper should be submitted by e-mail as WORD attachments to: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soňa Šnircová ( ) by 30 APRIL 2024.

PhD students are invited to submit proposals for ten-minute presentations of their doctoral thesis projects that should include the main topic and issues, defended hypothesis, and the main methodological framework of their doctoral research. Accepted projects will be presented during a special Doctoral Seminar that will provide an opportunity for students to exchange ideas with their fellow students and receive feedback from senior scholars.

Authors of presented papers will be invited to extend their papers for publication in electronic or print format with ISBN.


Registration fees

Early bird registration fee to be paid before 31 May 2024: 80 EUR
Early bird registration fee for PhD students and accompanying persons to be paid before 31 May 2024: 40 EUR
Standard registration fee to be paid between 31 May 2024 – 20 June 2024: 100 EUR
Standard registration fee for PhD students and accompanying persons to be paid between 31 May 2024 – 20 June 2024: 50 EUR
Registration of MA and BA students: free of charge

You can register through the Registration Form.

Payment by bank transfer to the conference bank account:

Any fees charged by remitting banks are to be paid by the conference participants. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure that the conference receives the full amount.

Bank details for transfers:

Beneficiary's name: Slovenská asociácia pre štúdium angličtiny (SKASE – The Slovak Association for the Study of English)
Beneficiary's address: Petzvalova 4, 04011 Košice, Slovakia
Bank name: Všeobecná úverová banka, a. s., Slovensko
Bank address: Hlavná 61, 080 01 Prešov, Slovensko
Account number:
IBAN: SK92 0200 0000 0017 9775 5551

Please ensure that your transfer is identifiable by including the message “SENSIBILITY KOSICE 2024” and your name, e.g. “SENSIBILITY KOSICE 2024 James Jameson.”


Reception of payment will be confirmed by e-mail. Printed invoices will be issued and sent by e-mail upon request, or they can be collected at the conference venue check-in.


The registration fee will be refunded for cancellations made before June 1, 2024. No registration fee refunds will be made for cancellations after that date (bank charges to be borne by the participant).

Registration form

Conference proceedings

Authors of presented papers will be invited to extend their papers for publication in electronic or print format with ISBN.
Further information forthcoming.

Conference Venue


Košice, the second largest city in Slovakia, has always been an natural centre of business, culture and education. Košice’s earliest documents date back to 1230 and refer to it as “Villa Cassa”. Its coat of arms is the oldest in Europe, a fact attested to by a letter dating from 1369. The city's historic sights – from various periods – are concentrated in the centre, the Urban Heritage Area. The recently reconstructed Singing Fountain offers visitors an impressive show right in the middle of Main Street.
Košice is a city with an eventful and illustrious past and multicultural and colourful present. It is a seat of culture and education. During the university semesters students make the city their own, and one may find them at every turn: in the theatres, the museums, the galleries, the concert halls, the libraries, and the parks. Almost nine thousand future professionals in medical, legal, scientific, social, philosophical disciplines and arts study at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, further swelling the already large permanent population of the city of over 240,000.
More about Košice at


Directions to the conference venue, accommodation, and restaurants can be found in this map of Kosice.

The Conference rooms 1, and 2, the Refreshments room, Registration room, two toilets are located in the Plato building. More toilets and public computers are located in the basement of the Plato building.


Please note that neither Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, nor SKASE, will pay for, or accept liability for, travel, accommodation, living or other expenses incurred by participants, unless previously agreed in writing.
All conference participants should be aware that neither Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, nor SKASE, have or will accept any liability whatsoever for any damage or injury to visitors, to the university or to property, however such damage or injury may be caused.
Participants are expected to be fully insured by their own institutions or through their personal insurance for personal health, accident/property coverage (also against claims made by third parties) during their participation in the Conference.


Welcome to the beautiful city of Košice which offers hundreds of spectacular places for you to enjoy. Even though there are plenty of other restaurants, cafés, bars and clubs in Košice, we highly recommend the following selection which we consider to be among the best. We hope you will enjoy the wide variety of places that we have chosen for you. Most are situated right in the historical centre, so you do not have to spend much time finding them.


All of the following restaurants offer a daily menu for reasonable prices between 11.30 am and 2 pm, usually including a starter, a main course, and a dessert. We have decided to rate them for you with stars, even though it is not an official ranking.
Le Colonial, Hlavná 8, ****
Mon-Sun 11.00–23.00
A colonial style restaurant offering high-class delicious meals and a wide variety of drinks served by a professional staff.
Golden Royal, Vodná 8, ****
Tue-Sun 11.00–21.00, Mon Closed
Situated in a charming Winter Garden with delicious international cuisine.
LaHacienda, Mäsiarska 430/8, ****
Mon Closed, Tue-Thu 11.00–23.00, Fri-Sat 11.00–24.00, Sun 11.00–23.00
Offers high quality Mexican food, including burritos, quesadillas, fajitas, tacos, traditional Mexican desserts and drinks. Situated in very stylish interior.
Pivovar Hostinec, Levočský dom, Hlavná 65, ****
Mon-Thu 15.00–24.00, Fri 15.00–01.00, Sat 12.00–01.00, Sun 12.00–24.00
It is the oldest restaurant in Europe with a great atmosphere placed in a 15th century gothic building serving high-quality food. It is also a great place for tasting different kinds of beer.
Rosto Steakhouse, Orlia 6, ****
Mon-Fri 11.00–23.00, Sat 12.00–23.00, Sun 12.00–22.00
The only official steakhouse in Košice serves mainly delicious steaks, but also grilled fish and Oriental specialities. It also includes a charming summer garden.
Bakoš Bistro, Krivá 14, ****
Mon-Fri 9.00–16.00, Sat-Sun 9.00– 7.00
Young chef’s bistro based on high quality ingredients from local Slovak suppliers. The cuisine concentrates on traditional, healthy and light recipes with modern variants and ingredients. Suitable for breakfast, brunch as well as for lunch and dinner. Serves great coffee.
Little India, Kováčska 23, ***
Mon-Fri 10.00 – 22.00, Sat 11.00 – 22.00, Sun 12.00 – 22.00
Indian restaurant where you can try specialties prepared by our cooks accompanied with a pleasant environment. Enjoy the unique taste of Indian specialties.
Villa Regia, Dominikánske námestie 3, ****
Mon-Fri 11.00–18.00, Sat 11.30–18.00, Sun Closed
One of the most popular restaurants in the city with a historical atmosphere, massive wooden tables, wooden statues, and a fire place. If you are a fan of steaks, it is the place for you.
Camelot, Kováčska 19, ***
Mon-Fri 11.00–24.00, Sat-Sun 15.00–01.00, Sat 15:00–24.00
An outstanding restaurant inspired by the legendary Camelot castle offers great steaks, raw meat specialities and one of the best Czech beers in Košice.
Karczma Mlyn, Hlavná 82, ***
Mon-Thu 11.00–23.00, Fri 11.00–24.00, Sat 11.30–24.00, Sun 11.30– 22.00
The restaurant premises are decorated with historical rural wooden working tools and Goral paintings typical for the era. The restaurant staff will serve meals to you, offering the selection of meals made of fresh products.
Bamboo Sushi&Grill, Hlavná 78 ***
Mon-Thu 10.30–22.00, Fri 10.30–23.00, Sat 12.00–23.00, Sun 12.00–21.00
Bamboo Sushi&Grill offers specialities from Asian cuisine in a pleasant, decent and stylish interior. Besides sushi, the visitors can also taste Vietnamese and Thai cuisine.
Sushi Maiko, Hlavná 1, **
Mon-Sun 11.00–22.30
A modern sushi restaurant situated in Double Tree by Hilton offers a great selection of fresh sushi also available in the form of daily menus. Gluten-free dishes are also available.
Grange, Mäsiarská 8, ***
Mon-Fri 11.00–22.00, Sat 13.00–22.00, Sun 13.00–21.00
Perfect place to grab a burger and fries.
BRGR, Bastion Office Center, Továrenská 8, 040 01 Košice, ****
Mon-Sat 11.00–21.00, Sun 15.00–20.00
The most recently opened burger place in Košice. They also offer perfect homemade fries and coleslaw.
Peppe’s, Mäsiarska 8, ***
Mon-Sun 11.00–22.00
Italian restaurant offering delicious pizza and pasta with the focus on Sicilian cuisine, prepared from fresh ingredients by Sicilian chef Giuseppe.
Zvon, Zvonárska 4, ***
Mon-Sat 10.00–22.00, Sun closed
Another Italian restaurant, famous especially for its pasta.
BlueBell, Bočná 6, ***
Stylish place offering daily menus. It is famous for its terrace with the view of Saint Elizabeth’s Cathedral where you can enjoy your coffee or beer. In the evenings they often organize concerts of young talented musicians and bands.
Vincent, Alžbetina 6, **
Mon-Thu 10.00–23.00, Fri 10.00–1.00, Sat 11.00–24.00, Sun 12.00–23.00
This restaurant decorated by some of Vincent Van Gogh’s famous paintings is an ideal place for quick lunches offering delicious daily menus for reasonable prices.
Halmi Cafe, Hlavná 21 **
Mon-Thu 9.00–22.00, Fri 09.00–00.00, weekends 14.00–22.00.
Multigenre space and coworking café in the heart of the city.
Burekas, Vrátna 58, **
Mon-Fri 8.30–19.00, Sat Closed, Sun 12.00–19.00
A unique Jewish restaurant with a special menu including Falafel and Humus served by friendly staff. You can enjoy yourself in a beautiful garden space for low prices.


Pizza Pizzalino, Hlavná 108
Mon-Thu 11.00–2.00, Fri-Sat 11.00–4.00, Sun 15.00–24.00
A very popular place for late-night snacks for a special price of €1 for a slice of pizza.
McDonald’s, Protifašistických bojovníkov 6
Mon-Sun 7.00–24.00
Aupark Foodcourt, Námestie osloboditeľov
Mon-Sun 9.00–20.00
The second floor of Aupark shopping centre includes various types of restaurants (Chinese, Mexican, Slovak), Kebab or the popular Subway sandwiches. Surrounded by cafés, lounges and beer places.
Burrito, Hlavná 9/12
Mon-Thu 11.00–21.00, Fri 11.00–22.00, Sat 11.00–21.00, Sun Closed
Offers traditional Mexican specialities including burritos, quesadillas and chilli bowls served to go. Based on fresh and local ingredients.
Noodler, Hlavná 91/65
Mon-Sun 10.00–22.00
Perfect place for quick lunch/diner, offering various types of Asian noodles with the possibility to choose different kinds of sauces and toppings, served to go in little boxes.
Soup Culture, Hviezdoslavova 4
Mon-Fri 10.00–19.00, Sat 10.00–18.00, Sun Closed
Healthy fast food offering homemade soups, including vegan variants, served to go in edible cups.


Nico Caffé, Kuzmányho 1
Mon-Fri 8.00–22.00, Sat-Sun 9.00–22.00
Offers breakfast, brunch as well as lunch and dinner menu. Great coffee and homemade baked goods.
Šálka kávy, Hviezdoslavova 2
Mon-Fri 7.00–22.00, Sat-Sun 8.00–22.00
The perfect place for healthy breakfast, freshly baked cakes, coffee, tea, homemade specialties, and egg omelets in a beautiful interior.
San Domenico, Dominikánske námestie 3
Mon-Sat 7.00–20.00, Sun 8.00–18.00
Located in the centre of the historical town, San Domenico also offers a bio-breakfast with an option of lactose-free and gluten-free specialties.
Cinnamon Dream Bakery, Poštová 2
Mon-Fri 12.00–18.30, Sat-Sun 11.00–18.00
Delicious freshly baked cinnamon rolls with various toppings including chocolate, salted caramel, nuts, Oreos and others. Served to go in little boxes.


Doraz Café, Dominikánske námeste 590/0
Mon-Fri 07.00–18.00, Sat-Sun 07.00–16.00
The closest coffee place to our university. Amazing coffee, cool environment, and perfect atmosphere near the city market where they offer fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers every day.
Saint Coffee, Hlavná 41
Mon-Thu 07.00–21.30, Fri-Sat 08.00–22.00, Sun 08.00–21:30
A vibrant coffee place. It also offers snacks and cakes.
Frištik, Zvonárska 2/B
Mon closed, Tue-Fri 07.30–14.30, Sat-Sun 08.30–12.30
Tiny and stylish coffee place, they serve cakes and sandwiches.
Melody – fine roastery, Zvonárska 149/12
Mon-Wed 10.00–17.00, Thu-Fri 10.00–18.00, Sat 13.00–19.00
Perfect coffee, cakes, a little shop where you can buy chocolate and accessories for coffee making, and they also roast coffee here.
Red Velvet Cake Bar, Hlavná 40/74
Sun-Thu 10.00–22.00, Fri-Sat 10.00–23.00
A perfect place where you can have coffee and amazing cakes. During the evening it is transformed into a bar and they serve drinks.
Caffé Trieste, Uršulínska 2
Mon-Sat 7.30–19.00, Sun 8.30–19.00
High-quality coffee in a little cosy place right next to Main Street.
Coffee World – Kávy sveta, Hlavná 65
Mon-Fri 9.00–22.00, Sat, Sun 10.00–22.00
American, Brazilian, Caribbean, Chinese, Ethiopian, French, Indian/Pakistani, Italian, Mexican or Turkish are only some of the amazing coffee types this place offers. A great cafeteria offering hundreds of coffee specialties from all around the world.
Republika Východu, Hlavná 31
Mon-Thu 8.00–22.00, Fri-Sat 8.00–23.00, Sun 8.00–21.00
The first café with a theme of Eastern Slovakia where the menu and the products are listed in the dialect of Košice. Popular for its stylish interior, breakfast, crépes, sandwiches, vegetarian meals, good coffee and drinks.
Little Havana, Kováčska 13
Mon-Thu 18.00–1.00, Fri 18.00–2.00, Sat 18.00–1.00
A very stylish place to enjoy a glass of Cuban rum, whiskey, coffee or tea.
Bonbónik, Hlavná 20
Mon-Fri 10.00–22.00, Sat 10.00–21.00, Sun 14.00–20.00
A chocolaterie offering delicious Belgian chocolate in manifold variations, including chocolate candies and pancakes.
Dobrá čajovňa, Mäsiarska 42
Mon-Sat 15.00–21.00
An amazing tea house offering hundreds of tea types, dry fruit and shishas with cosy decoration and the possibility to sit on the floor on Indian cushions.
Arthur Gelato, Hlavná 21
Mon-Thu 12.00–18.00, Fri-Sat 11.00– 9.00, Sun 11.00–18.00
Voted the 3rd best ice-cream in Košice, it offers different kinds of delicious gelato.


All of the places offer great Slovak and Czech beer and various types of high-quality wines. Most of the places also serve typical Slovak and Czech specialties to go with beer (cheese, sausages, Tartar steak, ribs) which you should definitely try!
Golem, Dominikánske námestie 15, Mon-Thu 16.00–22.00, Fri 16.00–23.00, Sat 16.00–22.00
The Beer House, Hlavná 54, Mon 14.00–24.00, Tue-Fri 14.00–2.00, Sat 16.00–2.00, Sun 16.00–24.00
Pub U Kohúta, Hrnčiarska 23, Mon-Thu 11.00–23.00, Fri 11.00–24.00, Sat 18.00–1.00
Villa Cassa Vinoteque, Pri Miklušovej väznici 2, Mon-Fri 13.00–24.00, Sat 12.00–24.00
Camelot, Kováčska 19, Mon-Thu 15.00–24.00, Fri-Sat 15.00–1.00, Sun 15.00–24.00
Pilsner Urquell Pub Aupark, Námestie Osloboditeľov 1, Sun-Wed 11.00–23.00, Thu-Sat 11.00 – 1.00
Bernard, Alžbetina 4, Sun-Thu 17.00–2.00, Fri-Sat 17.00–4.00
Irish Pub Diesel, Hlavná 49, Mon-Thu 11.00–22.00, Fri 11:00–4.00, Sat 18:00–4.00
Pivotéka & Vinotéka, Hlavná 12, Mon-Thu 10.00–23.00, Fri 10.00–24.00, Sat-Sun 26.00–23.00


Jazz Disco Club, Kováčska 39, Tue-Wed 21.00–3.00, Thu 21.00–4.00 Fri-Sat 21.00–4.30
Retro Cult Club, Kováčska 49, Mon 21.00–2.00, Tue-Wed 21.00–3.30, Thu-Sat 21.00–4.30


“Bryndzové halušky” (Sheep cheese dumplings) is the national Slovak dish. Sheep cheese gives a unique flavour to the meal by itself, but it is even tastier with small pieces of bacon greaves and sour cream. It is usually served with a glass of sour milk called “Žinčica”.
“Kapustnica” (Cabbage soup) is a Slovak thick sauerkraut soup traditionally prepared at the end of the year for Christmas. Kapustnica can be prepared in a lot of ways (ingredients, length of cooking, etc.) and it differs from region to region. In some regions, Kapustnica may contain smoked meat, sausages and mushrooms, in some regions it is a much simpler soup.
Fried Cheese with French Fries is a very popular Slovak/Czech dish mostly served with French fries and Tartar sauce (Tatárska omáčka) and salad.
“Lángoš” (Deep fried dough) is originally a Hungarian food but it is also a favourite take-away in Slovakia. Sometimes you’ll find it in restaurants as a starter. It is usually served with garlic, cheese, sour cream or ketchup on top (you can choose whatever ingredients you like).
“Prívarok” (Prívarok) is a typical Slovak dish, similar to soups in its consistency but much denser. It comes in many variations depending on the ingredients – pumpkins, lentils, beans, potatoes, dill, etc. It is usually consumed with a slice of bread and sausages or fried eggs might be added on top.

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