Prof. Myroslava Fabian, DrSc.



Department of British and American Studies
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Arts
Moyzesova 9, 040 01 Košice

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Personal data Academic degrees and titles Career Awards Teaching Research activities Supervisor Membership Collaboration Publications Photo Other Hobbies

Osobné údaje

Fabian Myroslava, born in Uzhhorod (Ukraine), 09.04.1961. Married. Home address: Ukraine, 88000 Uzhhorod, Luchkaya str. 3/2 Home tel.: (+380312) 617335 E-mail: Office address: Ukraine, 88017 Uzhhorod, Uzhhorod National University, Universitetska str. 14, Faculty of Foreign Philology, English Philology Dpt. Office tel./fax.: (+380312) 642442.

Akademické tituly a hodnosti

Candidate of Philological Sciences (1988). Associate Professor (1995). Doctor of Philology (1999). Professor (2003)

Profesionálna kariéra

Study at Uzhhorod State University (1978–1983). Teacher of English at Uzhhorod secondary school № 1 named after T.Shevchenko. Postgraduate student at the Institute of Linguistics named after O.O.Potebnya of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Kyiv) (1983–1987). Teacher of English at Uzhhorod secondary school № 15 (1983–1989). Teacher of English at the English language dpt. of Uzhhorod State University (1989). Candidate dissertation thesis „Structural aspects of typological comparison of lexico-semantic fields (on the material of Ukrainian and English languages)“ was defended in Kyiv, Ukraine (1988). Associate Professor of the English language dpt. (1995). Doctoral dissertation thesis „Etiquette semantics in lexical systems of Ukrainian, English and Hungarian languages“ was defended in Kyiv, Ukraine (1999). Head of the Department of Foreign languages (2002–2006). Professor of the Department of Foreign languages (2003). Head of the English Philology department (2006 – 2011). Dean of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology (2006 – 2011 ). Professor of English Philology department (2006-now).


Silver medal of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the best students' research work (1983). Bronze memorable medal of Presov University (2002). Medal with distinction of regional state administration for the development of the region (2004).

Štúdium v zahraničí

Research work at the University of Debrecen (Hungary).
Research work at the University of Eger (Hungary).


Uzhhorod National University (1989) Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology, Faculty of Foreign Philology, English Philology department (1989-now). Subjects taught: Lexicology of the English language, Cross-language and cross-cultural communication, Sociolinguistics Presov University Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, English language department (1999–2002) Subjects taught: Lexicology of the English language, Introduction to linguistics University of P.J.Safarik in Kosice Department of English and American studies of Philosophical Faculty (2005 – now) Subjects taught: Academic Writing, Introduction to linguistics, Stylistics, Fundamentals of English lexicography, Cross-cultural communication, Applied linguistics, Comparative stylistics


Supervisor of the research topic „Comparative lexical semantics of related and unrelated language systems:problems, methodology and applied aspects“ of the English philology department of Uzhhorod National University. Editor-in-chief of the research paper collection „Contemporary Studies in Foreign Philology“, 20 issues of which have been published already. Reviewer of the books „The Students' Voices“ and „Studia Anglica Resoviensia“ (Rzeszow, Poland), compiler and reviewer of Hungarian-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Hungarian dictionaries. Reviewer of methodological guides on coversational English, lecture notes on stylistics, grammar of English for the university students.
Research interests include cross-language and cross-cultural studies, lexical semantics, sociolinguistics, communicative linguistics, pragmatics, lexicology, stylistics, lexicography, comparative studies of both related and non-related language systems.
Languages: I am fluent in Ukrainian, Russian, English: oral and written. Can speak, write and understand Slovak and Hungarian.


Supervisor of the research topic of the English language department of Uzhhorod National University. Supervisor of students' research works which are presented at annual students' conferences. Supervisor of Bachelor and Master theses. Supervisor of Postgraduate students' theses, 8 post-graduate students defended their PhD dissertations under my guidance.

Členstvo vo vedeckých orgánoch

Head of Faculty Council. Head of Organizing committee of International conferences (Uzhhorod, Kyiv). Head of the Examination Board for postgraduate students. Member of University Council. Member of Competitive Board of Uzhhorod National University. Member of Final Examining Board. Member of Entrance Examination Board. Member of Specialized Council for the defence of doctoral theses. Member of Transcarpathian Hungarian- speaking scientific society. Member of European Society for the Study of English (Kyiv). Member of Editorial staff of the linguistic journal „Acta Hungarica“, „Journal of Interdisciplinary Philology“ (Žilina, Slovakia). Member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Academic Member of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER).


Grant Domus Hungarica Scientiarum et Artium (2002).
Grant Domus Hungarica Scientiarum et Artium (2006).


Collaboration with Presov University; University of P.J.Safarik in Kosice. Collaboration with University of Debrecen; Institute of English and American Studies (Eger, Hungary). Collaboration with Philosophical Faculty of University Palackeho in Olomouc (Czech Republic). Collaboration with many universities and higher institutions of Ukraine (Lviv, Kyiv, Odessa, Cherkassy, Kharkiv, Chernivtsy, Ternopol, Ivano-Frankivsk). Collaboration with the Universities of Romania, Austria, Germany, France, USA, Great Britain, Canada, Poland.

Vybrané publikácie

3 monographs, 146 research papers, over 50 reviews, over 65 conference proceedings both university and international, 10 text-books, 5 research papers published in the journals registered in Scopus/Web of Science. over 100 citations of my publications. Recent publications: 1. Semantic specificity of adjectives denoting a successful person/thing in English and Ukrainian Research Bulletin of Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University K.I.Ushinsky. Linguistics.№ 32.- Odessa: SUNPU Publishing House, 2021.- P. 149–162. 2. To the problem of lexical semantic field study University conference proceedings.- Uzhhorod: Lira, 2021.- P. 8–13. 3. English Stylistics: Theory and Practice. Part I //…ctice-part-i Kosice, 2021.-99 p. 4. Zhyttepys profesora Petra Lyzantsa// Uzhhorod: Karpaty, 2021.- 514 p. 5.Verbalization of positive emotions in English and Ukrainian (comparative aspect) // Contemporary Studies in Foreign Philology, Issue 2 (20).- Odessa:Helvetica, 2021.- P. 144–154. 6.Linguocultural approach to the study of lexical semantics// Contemporary Studies in Foreign Philology, Issue 18.- Uzhhorod: Lira, 2020.- P. 9–17. 7. Structural Approach to the Study of Meaning (on the material of adjectives in modern Ukrainian). Chapter 3.Philosophy of Language and New Trends in Translation Studies. Collective Monograph.-Lviv-Torun: Liha-Pres, 2019. P.34–51. 8.Verbalization of Politeness in Modern English. Chapter 8. Development Trends of the Modern Philology. Collective Monograph.- Lviv-Torun: Liha-Pres, 2019.- P.148–167. 9.Comparative Research of Etiquette Nouns in English, Ukrainian and Hungarian.Chapter 11.// Development of Philology and Linguistics at the Modern Historical Period. Collective Monograph.- Lviv-Torun:Liha-Pres, 2019.- P. 161–179. 10. Interdisciplinary Approach to Cross-Language and Cross-Cultural Communication Studies.// Suchasny Doslidzhennya z inozemnoji filologiji, vypusk 17.- Uzhhorod: Lira, 2019.- P. 9–16.11. Zhaduju teplymy slovamy…M.M.Peschak .Bibliografichnyj pokazhchyk do 90-richcha z dnya narodzhennya- Kyiv: NaUKMA, 2019.- P. 14–17. 12. Miscommunication Across Cultures: Topical Issues// Suchasny Doslidzhennya z inozemnoji filologiji, vypusk 16.- Uzhhorod: Autdor-Shark, 2018.- P. 7–14. 13. Systemno-Strukturna Organizacia EtyketnohoLeksyko-Semantychnoho Polya v Ukrajinskij, Uhorskij ta Anglijskij Movakh// Acta Hungarica, № 23.- Uzhhorod: Autdor-Shark, 2018. – P. 60–68. 14. Vidobrazhennya Nnormatyvnosti Etyketu v Suchasnyj Uhorskij movi// Acta Hungarica.- № 22.-Uzhhorod: Spektral, 2017.- P. 15–27. 15. Etiquette in Modern English: Social Settings// Suchasny Doslidzhennya z inozemnoji filologiji, vypusk 15.- Uzhhorod: Autdor-Shark, 2017.- P. 10–20. .16. Lexico-Semantic Analysis of the Nouns Denoting Respect in English and Ukrainian// English versus Slavik. Lexicon in a Morphological and Semantic Perspective.- Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures 5.- Peter Lang GmbH, 2017.- P. 63–88.


Books which contain information on me and my research activity: 1. Ukraine. 10 years of Independence. 500 influential personalities.- Kyiv, 2001.- P. 214. 2. Vysitska T. Women figures in the history of Transcarpathia.- Book 1.- Uzhhorod, 2004.- P. 332–336. 3. Vehesh M.M. Scientific elite of Transcarpathia.- Uzhhorod, 2005.- P. 67. 4. Uzhhorod National University on the threshold of III millennium.- Uzhhorod, 2005.- P. 113–114.


Travelling. Reading.Watching detective, adventure, romantic films, thrillers on TV. Music. Pets.

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