Assoc. Prof. Renáta Gregová, PhD.



Department of British and American Studies
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Arts
Moyzesova 9, 040 01 Košice

Office Hours

Wednesday 12:00 - 13:30


Room Number


Academic degrees

Doc. – 2015, Faculty of Arts UPJŠ in Košice, study branch 2.1.29 non-slavic languages and literatures

PhD. – 2005, Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, study branch 73–01–9 general linguistics, specialization phonetics and phonology

Mgr. – 1998, Faculty of Arts UPJŠ in Košice (from 1997 University of Prešov), study branch phonetics – English language and literature


July 2015 – present, university teacher, associate professor, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Arts, Department of British and American Studies

2006 – June 2015, university teacher, senior assistant lecturer, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Arts, Department of British and American Studies

2003 – 2006, university teacher, senior assistant lecturer, University of Prešov in Prešov, Faculty of Arts, Department of British and American Studies

2002 – 2003, university teacher, assistant lecturer, University of Prešov in Prešov, Faculty of Arts, Department of Slovak Language and Literature

1999 – 2001, doctoral student, University of Prešov in Prešov, Faculty of Arts, Department of Slovak Language and Literature

2013 – 2015, 2015 – 2019, 2019 – 2023 member of the Academic Senate of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

2023 – 2027 vice-chairman of the Academic Senate of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

Courses taught

Phonetics and Phonology of the English Language, Comparative Phonetics and Phonology, Specialised Language Seminar, Slovak for Interpreters, Rhetoric, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics and Psycholinguistics

Lectures/Visits abroad

9 – 17 May 2008 – Erasmus Teaching Mobility: Universitdegli Studi dell'Aquila, L’Aquila (Italy)

11 – 18 October 2008 – Research visit: The University of Edinburgh, Edinburg (Great Britain)

19 – 26 September 2009 – Erasmus Teaching Mobility: Université Paris 13, Paris (France)

16 – 22 April 2012 – Erasmus Teaching Mobility: Universidad de Jaén, Jaén (Spain)

14 – 20 April 2013 – Erasmus Teaching Mobility: Swansea University, Swansea (Great Britain)

14 – 20 September 2013 – Erasmus Teaching Mobility: University of Turku, Turku (Finland)

10 – 13 December 2013, Bern (Switzerland)

20 – 27 September 2014 – Erasmus Teaching Mobility: University of the Baelaric Island, Palma de Mallorka (Spain)

13 – 17 June 2023 – Erasmus Mobility: The University of Georgia, Tbilisi (Georgia)

Research interests

(comparative) phonetics, phonology and morphophonology; language typology


member of SKASE – Slovak Association for the Study of English

member of ESSE – European Society for the Study of English

member of SLS – Slavic Linguistics Society

member of SJS – Slovenská jazykovedná spoločnosť


the head of the research project:
VEGA č. 1/0273/16 A Comparative Research of the Distinctive Features of Phonemes in Slovak, English and German. (Komparatívny výskum dištinktívnych príznakov foném v slovenčine, v angličtine a v nemčine), 2016 – 2018.

co-solver of the research projects:
VEGA, č. 1/0344/21, Adaptive matrix tests in audiometry and perceptual phonetics. (Adaptívne maticové testy v audiometrii a v percepčnej fonetike), 2021 – 2023, principal investigator Ing. Eva Kiktová, PhD.

APVV-19–0003 Onomatopoeia – what is in a name? (Onomatopoja – čo sa skrýva v mene?), 2020 – 2024, principal investigator prof. PaedDr L. Körtvélyessy, PhD.

APVV-15–0492, Speech Audiometry in the Romani Language. (Rečová audiometria v rómskom jazyku.) 2016 – 2019, principal investigator prof. Ing. Július Zimmermann, CSc.

APVV-0077–11, Audiometric lingual tests. (Audiometrické lingválne testy.) 2012 – 2015, principal investigator prof. Ing. Július Zimmermann, CSc.

VEGA, č. 1/0094/12, Standard Average European – research into European languages from the view of word-formation. (Štandardný priemerný európsky jazyk – výskum európskych jazykov z pohľadu slovotvorby.) 2012 – 2014, principal investigator prof. PhDr. Pavel Stekauer, DrSc.

VEGA, č. 1/0938/12, Wavelet analysis of the acoustic speech signal. (Vlnková analýza akustického rečového signálu.) 2012 – 2014, principal investigator prof. Ing. Július Zimmermann, CSc.

VEGA, č. 1/0283/09, Synthetic Phonological Theory: contemporary state and perspectives. (Syntetická fonologická teória. Súčasný stav a perspektívy.) 2009 – 2011, principal investigator Dr. h. c. prof. PhDr. Ján Sabol, DrSc.

VEGA, č. 1/0020/08, Universals and typology in evaluative morphology – a cross-linguistic research. (Univerzálie a typológia v evaluatívnej morfológii – medzijazykový výskum.) 2008 – 2010, principal investigator prof. PhDr. Pavel Stekauer, DrSc.

VEGA, č. 1/0671/08, *Semiotic and socio-cultural parameters of the media text function. (Semiotické a sociokultúrne parametre fungovania mediálneho textu.)*2008 – 2010, principal investigator Doc. PhDr. Juraj Rusnák, CSc.

VEGA, č. 1/3708/06 Invariant and personal phonic characteristics of an acoustic speech signal and its general-linguistic, communicative and contrastive analysis. (Invariantné a personálne fónické charakteristiky akustického rečového signálu a jeho všeobecnolingvistická, komunikačná, semiotická a kontrastívna analýza.) 2006 – 2008, principal investigator Dr. h. c. prof. PhDr. Ján Sabol, DrSc.

Interpretation of texts of electronic massmedia. A brief terminological dictionary. (Interpretácia textov elektronických masových médií. Stručný terminologický slovník., Grant HESP 2003/15. 2003– 2004, principal investigator Doc. PhDr. Juraj Rusnák, CSc.

KEGA 3/3191/05 Interpretation of an electronic media text. (Interpretácia elektronického mediálneho textu.) 2005 – 2007, principal investigator Doc. PhDr. Juraj Rusnák, CSc.

KEGA 153/2001 Zvukovo-intonačné, štylisticko-pragmalingvistické, literárnoestetické a sociálnokultúrne dimenzie fungovania textu v médiách, 2001–2003, principal investigator Doc. PhDr. Juraj Rusnák, CSc.



24 – 26 August, Bratislava, Slovakia, Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Studia Academica Slovaca: 18th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS‑18)

23 – 26 June, Košice, Slovakia – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University: Word-formation Theories VI – Typology and Universals in word-formation V

3 – 5 September, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA: Slavic Linguistics Society – 16, online via Zoom

30 August – 3 September, Lyon, France: 15th ESSE Conference, seminar co-convenor of the seminar Recent advances in the study of the information structure of discourse (with prof. Libuše Dušková, Charles University, Prague and doc. Jana Chamonikolasová, Masaryk University, Brno) – online via Webex

4 – 6 September, Bloomington, IN, USA – Indiana University: Slavic Linguistics Society – 15, online via Zoom

6 – 8 March, Košice, Slovakia – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University: Veda a umenie bez bariér

27 – 30 June, Košice, Slovakia – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University: Word-Formation Theories III / Typology and Universals in Word-Formation

29 August – 2 September, Brno, Czech Republic – Masaryk University: 10th ESSE Conference, seminar co-convenor of the seminar Further Advances in the Study of the Information Structure of Discourse (with prof. Libuše Dušková, Charles University, Prague)

19 – 20 November, Sofia, Bulgaria – St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia: Bǎlgaristični ezikovedski četenija

21 – 24 September, Ljubljana, Slovenia – University of Ljubljana: 12th Slavic Linguistics Society Annual Meeting

13 December, Košice, Slovakia – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University: scientific seminar Kúzlo zvukov

29 August – 2 September, Košice, Slovakia – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University: 12th ESSE Conference

4 – 5 September, Zlín, Czech Republic – Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín: From Theory to Practice II

23 – 24 October, Košice, Slovakia – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University: Z fonetického a fonologického výskumu slovanských jazykov

24 – 25 October, Cluj-Napoca, Romania – Babes-Bolyai University: Constructions of Identity 7

14 – 16 November, Lublin, Poland – The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin: Linguistics Beyond And Within – International Linguistics Conference in Lublin

10 – 12 May, Ljubljana, Slovenia – Ljubljana University: SDAŠ 2012: The Changes in Epochal Paradigms and the Opportunities They Offer for English Studies

26 – 28 August, Košice, Slovakia – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University: Universals and Typology in Word-Formation II

12 – 13 October, Budapest, Hungary – the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary: Interfaces of English Linguistics 2012

20 – 22 May, Timisoara, Romania – University of the West Timisoara: 20th Conference on British and American Studies

20 – 22 June, Košice, Slovakia – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University: Anticipation in Consecutive and Simultaneous Cognitive Tasks

28 – 29 May, Košice, Slovakia – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University: Slovakistika vo všobecnolingvistickej perspektíve

9 – 10 March, Rzeszów, Poland – University of Rzeszów: Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New vistas The Second Anglistentag

April, Košice, Slovakia – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University: Culture, Language and Literature across Border Regions

25 – 28 May, Budapest, Hungary – Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 12th International Morphology Meeting

Prešov, Slovakia – Prešovská Univerzita v Prešove – International scientific seminar: O interpretácii mediálneho textu


co-editor of the SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics

member of the top research team Onomasiology – Word Formation – Typology (OST), principal scientific leader: Prof. PhDr. Pavel Stekauer, DrSc.

professional guarantor of LICOLAB (Language, Information, and Communication Laboratory) – a research laboratory at the Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia

member of the Editorial Board of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia……nata-Gregova

Calendar of Events

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