Prof. Mgr. Renáta Panocová, PhD.



Department of British and American Studies
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Arts
Moyzesova 9, 040 01 Košice

Office Hours

Office hours: 
Wednesdays from 9:00 to 10:30 in my office at Šrobárová 2, 1st floor. Please arrange your consultation via email in advance (at least 1 day).  



055/234 71 33

Academic degrees

Professor (Full) inauguration at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia, 2022

Associate Professor (docent): habilitation at Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia, 2016

PhD.: Linguistics – specialisation – Slavistics and Slavic languages, University of Prešov, Slovakia, 2001

Mgr.: English language and literature – Russian language and literature, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Prešov, Slovakia, 1995

Courses taught

Comparative morphology (English and Slovak)
Intercultural communication
Speech communication
Theory of Translation and Terminology
Academic English for Ph.D. students

Lectures abroad

2019 – Erasmus teaching mobility, Université de Strasbourg, France
2017 – Erasmus teaching mobility, Vilnius University, Lithuania
2015 – Erasmus teaching mobility, Université de Strasbourg, France
2014 – Erasmus teaching mobility, University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
2013 – Erasmus teaching mobility, Université de Strasbourg, France
2013 – Erasmus teaching mobility, Université Paris Diderot, France
2009 – research stay, Swansea University, Swansea, UK
2008 – Erasmus teaching mobility, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
2007 – Erasmus teaching mobility, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

Research interests

word formation

University service

2023_2027 Dean, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia,
2019–2023 – Vice-Dean for International relations, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia,
2015–2019 – Vice-Dean for International relations, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia,
2011–2015 – Chair of the Academic senate, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia
2007–2011 – Member of the Academic senate, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia
from 2007 – Research project coordinator at the Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia

Conference organisation

Co-convenor of workshops and seminars:

The Interaction between Borrowing and Word Formation, workshop is a part of 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea (SLE), which takes place in Zürich, 10–13 September 2017, convenors: Pius ten Hacken and Renáta Panocová

Word formation and Transparency in Medical English, ESSE seminar, 2014, convenors: Pius ten Hacken and Renáta Panocová

Member of the Organizing Committee of the following conferences:
Consecutivity And Simultaneity in Linguistics, Languages And Speech, Strasbourg, July 1–3, 2015
Word-Formation Theories II, Typology And Universals In Word-Formation III, Košice, June 26–28, 2015
Universals and Typology in Word-Formation II, Košice, August 26–28, 2012
Universals and Typology in Word-Formation, Košice, August 16–18, 2009
Culture, Language, and Literature Across Border Regions, Košice, April 28–29 , 2008
Linguistic aspects of English for specific purposes, Košice, September 12, 2007
ESP Terminology and Translation, Košice, September 13–14, 2007

Member of the Scientific Committee of the following conferences:

Concept Systems and Frames in Terminology 2 (CSFT), Innsbruck, Austria, 25–26 September 2024
ISMO conference (International Symposium of Morphology), ATILF research lab (UMR 7118 „Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la langue française“, CNRS & Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France, on September 13–15 September 2023
Concept Systems and Frames in Terminology (CSFT), Innsbruck, Austria, 28–29 September 2022
The Third International Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology (DeriMo 2021), Nancy, France, September 9–10, 2021
The Second International Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology (DeriMo 2019), Prague, the Czech Republic, September 19–20, 2019
Anticipation in Consecutive and Simultaneous Cognitive Tasks, Košice, Slovakia, co-organized with Strasbourg University and University of Opole, Poland, June 20–22, 2019
International Conference “New Words and Linguistic Purism”, Innsbruck , Austria, October 25–26, 2018
The First International Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology (DeriMo2017), Milan, Italy, October 5–6, 2017
Language, literature and culture in a changing transatlantic world III, Prešov, Slovakia, September 10–12, 2015
Consecutivity And Simultaneity in Linguistics, Languages And Speech, Strasbourg, France, July 1–3, 2015

Professional affiliations

member of the top research team Onomasiology – Word.Formation – Typology (OST), principal scientific leader: Prof. PhDr. Pavel Stekauer, DrSc.
member of LICOLAB (Language, Information, and Communication Laboratory) – a research laboratory at the Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia,
member of SLE – Societa Linguistica Europea,
member of EURALEX – European Association for Lexicography
member of SKASE – Slovak Association for the Study of English
member and regional representative (2001–2003), CASAJC/CERCLES – Czech and Slovak Association of Language Centre Teachers at Universities

Selected publications

Monographs and edited volumes
ten Hacken, Pius & Panocová, Renáta (2024), Word Formation as a Naming Device, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Panocová Renáta (2017), The Vocabulary of Medical English: A Corpus-based Study. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Panocová, Renáta (2015), Categories of Word Formation and borrowing. An Onomasiological Account of Neoclassical Formations. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

ten Hacken, Pius & Panocová, Renáta (Editors), (2020), The Interaction of Borrowing and Word Formation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

ten Hacken, Pius & Panocová, Renáta (Editors), (2015), Word formation and Transparency in Medical English. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Book chapters:
Panocová, Renáta (2016), 'Neoclassical compounds in the onomasiological approach’, In: The Semantics of Compounding, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 192–208.

Panocová, Renáta (2015), ‘Transparency and Use of Neoclassical Word Formation in Medical English‘. In: Word formation and Transparency in Medical English, Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.73–96.

Panocová, Renáta (2013), ‘Semantics of Diminutivization: Evidence from Russian'. In: The Semantics of Word Formation and Lexicalization, Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, pp. 266–285.

Panocová, Renáta (2021), Basic Concepts of Morphology I. Košice: ŠafárikPress, vydavateľstvo Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach.

Panocová, Renáta (2020), Theories of Intercultural Communication. Košice: ŠafárikPress, vydavateľstvo Unvierzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach.

Andorová, Ladislava & Renáta, Panocová (1997), Foundations of Legal English, Košice: Právnická fakulta Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach.

Panocová, Renáta (2024), ‘Definitions of Suffixed Loanwords in Dictionaries of Foreign Words in Slovak’, International Journal of Lexicography, Volume 37, Issue 3, September 2024, pp. 337–353,…/ijl/ecae010

Ten Hacken, Pius & Panocová, Renáta (2022), ‚The Suffix -ation in English‘. AAA: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik. 47: 1, pp. 29–58.

Ten Hacken, Pius & Panocová, Renáta (2022), „The Etymology of Internationalisms. Evidence from German and Slovak“. Klosa-Kückelhaus, Annette/Engelberg, Stefan/Möhrs, Christine/Storjohann, Petra (eds.) (2022): Dictionaries and Society.Proceedings of the XX EURALEX International Congress. Mannheim: IDS-Verlag, pp. 792–802.

Panocová, Renáta (2020), ‘Attitudes towards Anglicisms in Contemporary Standard Slovak’. International Journal of Lexicography.…/ijl/ecaa006

Panocová, Renáta; Lukačín, Lukáš (2019), ‘Epistemic modal markers in two domains of academic research papers in English’, Brno studies in English roč. 45, č. 2, s. 121–138,…/BSE2019-2-6 

Panocová, Renáta & Gregová, Renáta (2019), ‘Designing the Slovak Matrix Sentence Test’, The International Journal of Applied Language Studies and Culture 2 (2), 33–38.…alsc.v2i2.23.

Panocová, Renáta & ten Hacken, Pius (2018), ‘Process Nouns in Dictionaries: A Comparison of Slovak and Dutch’, in Čibej, Jaka; Gorjanc, Vojko; Kosem, Iztok & Krek, Simon (eds.), Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in Global Contexts, 17–21 July 2018, Ljubljana, Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani Filozofska Fakulteta, pp. 713–722.

Panocová, Renáta (2017), ‘Internationalism with the Suffix -ácia and their Adaptation in Slovak’, in Litta, Eleonora & Passarotti, Marco (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology (DeriMo), 5–6 October 2017, Milano, Italy, Milano: EDUCatt, pp. 61–72.

Panocová, Renáta (2017), ‘Synonymy in Medical Terminology – a Challenge in Translation’, in Zybatow, Lew N.; Stauder, Any & Ustaszewski, Michael (eds.), Translation Studies and Translation Practice: Proceedings of the 2nd International TRANSLATA Conference, 2014, Part 1, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 207–212.

Panocová, Renáta and ten Hacken, Pius (2017), ‘Naming Symptoms, Syndromes, and Diseases’, in Calderón-Tichy, Marietta, Heuberger, Reinhard, and Chamson, Emil (eds.), Health and Language. Vienna: Peter Lang, pp. 225–234.

Panocová, Renáta (2016), ‘A Descriptive Approach to Medical English Vocabulary’, in: Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress. Lexicography and Linguistic Diversity. Tbilisi : Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press, pp. 529–540.

ten Hacken, Pius & Panocová, Renáta (2013), ‘The Use of Corpora in Word Formation Research’, CORELA (Cognition, Représentation, Langage), Vol. 11, no. 1, available at :…, pp. 1–19.

Panocová, Renáta (2013), ‘Semantic ambiguity and the translation of medical terminology’, in: Lewandowska-Tomasczyk, Barbara, and Marcel Thelen (eds.) Translation and Meaning Part 10. Proceedings of the Lodz Session of the 5th International Maastricht-Lodz Duo Colloquium on “Translation and Meaning”, held in Lodz (Poland), 16–19 September 2010. Maastricht: Maastricht School of Translation and Interpreting, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, pp. 317–323.

Panocová, Renáta (2012), ‘Towards an onomasiological analysis of neoclassical compounds’, in: Bloch-Trojnar, Maria and Anna Bloch-Rozmej (eds.) Modules and Interfaces. Lublin : Wydawnictvo KUL, pp. 185–202.

Panocová, Renáta (2012), ‘Morphological properties of neoclassical formations in English’, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Vol. 5 (54), no. 2: 31–36.

ten Hacken, Pius, and Renáta Panocová (2011), ‘Individual and Social Aspects of Word Formation’, Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny 3: 283–300.

Panocová, Renáta (2011), ‘Evaluative suffixes in Slavic’, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Vol. 4 (53), no. 1: 175–182.

Gregová, Renáta and Renáta, Panocová (2009), ‘On Phonetic Iconicity in Evaluative Morphology of Slavonic Languages’, in: Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas, Rzeszów : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 43–50.

Štekauer, Pavel, Gregová, Renáta, Kolaříková, Zuzana, Kӧrtvélyessy, Lívia, Panocová, Renáta (2009), ‘On phonetic iconicity in evaluative morphology. Languages of Europe’, Culture, Language, and Literature Across Border Regions, Proceedings of the International conference, Košice, 28–29 April 2008, Krosno, pp. 123–132.

Panocová, Renáta (2008), ‘Expression of modality in biomedical texts’, in SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation [online]. 2008, vol. 3, no. 1. available on web page <…df_doc/7.pdf>

full list of publications available in the UPJŠ library…bin/epc2.cgi?…

Participation in research projects

Grant schemes VEGA, KEGA, and APVV:
2024–2026 Principal Investigator of the project APVV SK-AT-23–0022 Concepts, Compounds and Collocations in German and Slovak.

2021–2023 – Principal Investigator of the project VEGA 1/0130/21 A corpus-based crosslinguistic comparison of deverbal nouns with
international suffixes.

2021–2023 – Deputy of PI project VEGA 1/0344/21 Adaptive matrix tests in audiometry and perceptual phonetics. Principal Investigator: Ing. Eva Kiktová, PhD.

2017–2021 – APVV-16–0035
Research into extralinguistic factors of word-formation and word-interpretation.

2016–2019 – APVV-15–0492 Rečová audiometria v rómskom jazyku (Speech Audiometry in the Romani Language)

2016–2018 – VEGA 1/0273/16 Komparatívny výskum dištinktívnych príznakov foném v slovenčine, v angličtine a v nemčine (A Comparative Research of the Distinctive Features of Phonemes in Slovak, English and German)

2012–2014 – VEGA 1/0094/12: Štandardný priemerný európsky jazyk – výskum európskych jazykov z pohľadu slovotvorby. (Standard Average European – research into European languages from the view of word-formation)

2012–2015 – APVV-0077–11: Audiometrické lingválne testy. (Audiometric lingual tests)

2008–2010 – VEGA 1/0020/08: Evaluatívna morfológia – medzijazykový výskum. (Evaluative morphology – crosslinguistic research)

2005–2008 – KEGA MŠ SR č. 3/3148 – Spoločný európsky referenčný rámec pre jazyky a jeho aplikácia na učenie sa, vyučovanie a hodnotenie anglického odborného jazyka medicíny pri rozvíjaní a upevňovaní lingvistických jazykových kompetencií univerzitných študentov. (Common European Framework for languages and its application to learning, teaching and assessment of medical English of university students)

Projects funded by European structural funds:

2013–2015 – Rozvoj inovatívnych foriem vzdelávania a podpora interdisciplinarity štúdia na Univerzite Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach (RIFIV), (Development of innovative forms of education and support of interdisciplinarity of the study at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik Unviersity in Košice), ITMS kód 26110230101

2012–2015 – Projekt Inovácie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť (IRES), (Project Innovations for Knowledge Society), ITMS kód 26110230075

2012–2015 – KVARK – Kvalita vzdelávania a rozvoj kompetencií doktorandov a postdoktorandov UPJŠ, (KVARK – quality of education and skills development for doctoral and post-doctoral students of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice), ITMS kód 26110230084

2012–2014 – Výskum a vzdelávanie na UPJŠ – smerovanie k excelentným európskym univerzitám (EXPERT), (Research and education at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University – heading towards excellent European universities), ITMS kód 26110230056

2010–2013 – Modernizácia programov doktorandského štúdia v prírodných a humanitných vedách na UPJŠ (DOKTORAND), (Modernisation of PhD Study Programmes in Sciences and Humanities at UPJŠ (DOKTORAND)), ITMS kód 26110230013

2006–2008 – Transformácia prírodovedných študijných programov a ich poskytovanie v anglickom jazyku, (Transformation of natural science study programmes into English), ITMS kód 11230100466

2006–2008 – Rozvíjanie IKT a jazykových kompetencií v príprave budúcich učiteľov prírodovedných predmetov, (Development of Information and communication technology and language competencies in the teacher training of natural science subjects), ITMS kód 11230100448

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