Mgr. Kurt Magsamen



Department of British and American Studies
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Arts
Moyzesova 9, 040 01 Košice

Office Hours

Thurs. 12:30 - 14:00



055/234 71 44

Room Number


Profesionálna kariéra

Lecturer, 2009 – English Department, Utah State University. Course: English 2010: Intermediate Writing.

Graduate Instructor, 2006–2008 – English Department, Utah State University. Courses: English 1010: Introduction to Writing. English 2010: Intermediate Writing.

Lecturer, 2005 – Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Department, Utah State University. Course: LAEP 6900: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Vybrané publikácie

“The Consolation of Anatomy” (2009) Bellevue Literary Review, Fall.

“Bounding Idealism: John Wesley Powell and the Topographic Map” (2007) Conference on the American West. Utah State University.


Awarded the Antarctic Service Medal by the United States Navy, 1992.

Calendar of Events

May '2022
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